Back to the Future

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New year. New beginnings.

John published his compilation of poems.
"Crescent at Twilight"

The 1st poem being his poem from the final year competition and the last one was the one he took from Sarah, the Twilight. He had mentioned it is a dedication to one of his closest friend and it is a work by his dear friend. He didn't think of copyright issues since it is from a college competition and not copied from any other published works. He happened to share the link of the E-Book to Sarah. She saw the message and replied with a Thumbs Up👍.  He had published the book for free online and not for money. It was for his satisfaction and contempt. The response was good and it became a sensation in a few days. Lot of people downloaded and shared it in social media and he won couple of online awards too. Meanwhile his IT job was going in a different direction. Work from home ended by around March 2021. His presence was demanded at the office and after one year of a different style of working, he found it difficult to manage the office work. Rebecca is in final year and now it was crucial for John to have some good saving so that he can marry her to a decent family in a decent way. He needed to save huge but with the work he has right now, it would be difficult to conduct a marriage ceremony. He decided  either he should take loan and end up paying it from his IT job for next 5 or 7 years. Or to take a loan for a new business and in a year or two make enough money to repay the loan and get his sister married. It was a tough decision. A risky one but he questioned himself again. What If? What if this is destined? Everything happens for a reason and it's the lessons we learn which will drive us forward.

He quit his job and before resignation he did a research on what could fit the new normal and where his strength lies. He had come to a conclusion that it is Robotics which he always loved as a subject. He ventured back into robotics and studied about the advancements. So he started a new company for Home Automation and Personalised Robotic home assistants. It was not a break through technology but the concepts of care and attention needed for a basic family in the Asian countries were thoroughly covered. A central system controlled by a mobile app and a robot at home which can be controlled remotely from any part of the globe. It was an extension of his college project inbuilt with the latest technologies. The idea was presented on many forums and his start up suddenly gained attention. It attracted many investors from around the globe and by the end of November, within a span of 8 months his basic prototype was accepted and was approved for mass production. Big MNCs came to take over his company shares for big chunks of money. He stayed humble and wanted to manufacture it as part of Make in India and make it affordable to all the middle class population. He wanted it to be considered part of a necessity and not a luxury. He had already applied for patent rights and manufacturing was scheduled to start in Telangana around 2022 April.

He shifted his family to an apartment in Cochin where he had his Start Up HQ. Already, there were discussions for an office in Hyderabad and Bangalore. It became a huge success, he thanks his Lord for making him take the right decisions in life. If he had not suffered these years , he wouldn't have been successful today. John looks back and feels if everything happened for a reason, then the break he took from Sarah also had a deeper reason. He realised it was her, that triggered this fire in him and sparked him up by saying "Believe in Yourself ". That book indeed had a profound impact in John's life. He had realised that it is time for him to reach back to Sarah and have a matured discussion.

Beep beep. A text from Reena,
"Hi John. Hope you are fine. I delivered last month. Baby girl. Healthy and Fine.
Our Alumni meet is scheduled on Dec 21st . It is our college Silver Jubilee and all 25 batches would be there. It would be a good opportunity to reconnect with all your friends. I heard Sarah also might come. Shall I register for you?"

" Congrats Reena. Happy parenting. Hope you and husband are fine. Thanks for letting me know about the Reunion. I would definitely be a part of it. I will tell Sam to register for me as well. Dont take the strain. Hope you would be there too.See you. Take care."

"U too John. Tc"

It was at this moment John gathered up his strength and sent a message to Sarah.

" Heyy Champion, Hope you are keeping well. I will be attending the Silver Jubilee Alumni meet this Year. Hope you will join the party. Would you care to join me for dinner after that?"

" Hi John, most likely Yes. I will be attending the function if time permits. I have a board meeting the same day morning."

She had not replied regarding the dinner. John waited and sent her a text after a few minutes.

"How about the dinner?"

" Let's see."

It was time for John to really open up. He didn't want to convey his feeling through phone with some texts and words. Rather he wanted to look her in her eye and speak to her from his heart, just like the poetry flows from their hearts. He had felt a deeper soul connection with her through poetry and it was always his Lord keeping surprises hidden for him after hardship.

His lord had told him "Seek and you shall Find". So he decided to seek this time but her response no matter what it is, he was ready to accept it and move on. But deep within his heart he knew even though she is keeping distance, the moment she see him, it would change everything. He had good faith that 2022 would be the year that he will reach his destination ,almost 10 year after the first incident. He would be complete and whole with Sarah. Only God knows best.

 Only God knows best

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Crescent at Twilight Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora