2020 comes with a Bang

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2020 started so well but the Covid pandemic was slowly consuming the whole world. Australian fire and the other disasters around him made him look up to the 2012 Mayan predictions and he found out that since the invent of Gregorian calendar there had been a shift of months and days each year and there is a total 8 years shift till date which makes present 2020, the Mayan 2012. He had some intuition that things were about to get worse.

It was Mid-March that Coronavirus had a grip over our country. It started spreading all over the country. In kerala they have reported the first case around February and our doctors had cured it. But still the number went high subsequently with more international passengers arriving into the country. Nationwide lockdown was imposed on March 22nd. A time of utter confusion and completely unpredictable incidents happening. The one week lockdown was extended for another 3 months.

IT industry came to a stand still. Then work from home started to be the new normal. It was time John had to take a break. Now he is working from home for last 2 months. He is spending more time with family and his character started changing slowly. He had time to spend on nostalgia now. He started getting in touch with his old college mates. Sam was in regular touch and Arun used to video call once a while. Some of them would explain the scenes of the last alumni meet and that lot of people actually asked about him. He asked them if someone specifically asked about him but the answer was obvious. In common they asked about the ones not present and not specifically anyone had asked.

Sarah had attended her 1st Alumni meet expecting she would meet John but since he didn't turn up she didn't attend the next ones either. She was more of a busy businesswoman, so she couldn't spare time for these reunions.

2020 was a year of complete shift for all humans, lot of events happened which all pointed towards the apocalypse. For John, apocalypse was ending of the world as he knew it. Not complete destruction of the world. He was expecting a positive shift in his life like in 2012 when he was filled with his love for Serah. Work from home was boring for him so he started writing poems in his leisure time. He wrote more poems in his 1st month after lockdown than he wrote his entire lifetime. He started to have new ideas and wanted to publish his works online. He had deactivated fb after leaving college, now he reopened it again and found few unread messaged in his inbox from 2015. Some of his classmates and one unread message from Sarah. It read
" Dont u dare make me miss u, I will never ever forget you John. Will be waiting for your call"

He casually replied her with one of his recent poems and a message,

" Hey there Champion! Long time no see.How have you been?"

How have you been?"

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Message delivered. She was not very active in fb. After 3 days, message status changed to seen. No response. Maybe she wasn't prepared after all the years. Maybe she forgot him. Maybe she was busy. All thoughts went through John but one reply wouldn't cost much time. He waited.

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