"Its 2015 Champion!"

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3rd year classes are over. And John managed to clear all papers. 1st years were now promoted to 2nd year. Sarah was already a celebrity in 1st year. Always seniors roamed around her. She was always spotted in crowds and hardly alone. It was just some distant smiles for few months. Now she is in second year and there is more freedom now. She might get in relationship with some batchmates or seniors, he thought. She was way out of his league as per some of his friends. He has conveyed about his crush to Sam and Arun. They have publicized it in their class too. But John still don't know if his interest has reached Sarah's notice by any chance. Sarah was close to one of John's classmate, Reena. They were from the same school and same church. So John had a small instinct that Reena would have already discussed this gossip with Sarah but he never asked.

Months flew and John was busy with his final year project preparations. He was very much interested in robotics and his project was a Robot which can be controlled safely from any part of the globe. He was successful in making a prototype and demonstrating it. Last semester started around December of 2014. It was the final few weeks he will be a part of St Thomas College and the Mens Hostel.

It was Sports Fest again. As she told, Sarah managed to get a spot in house basketball team. Since final year students are busy with project and academics mostly they are excluded from senate except a few top positions. Also, only proven talents were given chance and nobody new was entertained in house events from final year. John was not too confident in his poems so he never approached for a chance. He participated in Chess and Table tennis which he had already proven his mettle in college hostel games. He got third prize for Table Tennis doubles and second prize for Chess. A small contribution to the house he represents.

Sarah continued to excel in all she participated. She was part of Carroms team, Basketball team, Throwball team and Badminton doubles. She secured 1st prize in all team and individual events she participated. Many seniors and batchmates had crush on her but the common rumour was that she is having another relationship from school and is committed. So John never approached her but had a sort of deep feeling for her. Whenever their eyes meet from a far distance,  it was snowfall in his heart. He enjoyed the little teasing his friends would do but never had the confidence to convey his feelings to her.

The usual Hi-Bye cycle continued and it was Christmas Vacation again. John managed to get her number from some source and texted her on Christmas Eve.

"Happy Christmas Champion. Its John, Final year Electronics." He was not expecting a reply but instead he got one back from Sarah.

"Hey Mr John final year Electronics. Merry Christmas from Sarah 2nd year Electronics"
John understood that she was making fun of him and didn't text her back the whole night.

Next day morning his mobile phone rang, it was Sarah. John was shocked. He was still in bed. He suddenly jumped and attended the call,
"Hi, Good morning Champion"

"Good morning Senior, Merry Christmas "

"Merry Christmas Junior, so u have not forgotten this senior huh"

" Are u joking? We meet often in college, u were kind to me and gave your water bottle to me. How can I forget you John!"

"Oh my god, yes! My water bottle. I completely forgot that."

"Heyy I can return it when college reopens"

"Haha, No. Not required. I was just shocked you still have it with you"

" I am using it daily u know"

"That's good to hear"

"From where you got my number?"

"I have asked Reena, my classmate. You go to same church right."

"Yeah! She was my senior in school too. We are close"

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