New Year Eve

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"Happy New Year Champion "

A second text
" I believe in myself. Thanks for recommending the book"

"That's my buddy, Happy New Year John"
She replied.

"Why you were not responding these days? Was I disturbing you with my messages?"

"I thought not to disturb you because it's your last semester. U wanted to focus on academics and seminar. I didn't want to be a distraction. "

"Shall I give a call now?"

" No. I am busy right now preparing for the upcoming poetry competition "

" What ? You told.. Oh.. I get it now.. sarcasm.. fine.. be busy.. Bye"

The phone rang suddenly.

"Sorry. Sorry. I was joking. Please don't be upset. I wanted you to realise that. Heyy. Have you decided to participate in poetry this year?"

"No, I have decided to send the poems I wrote to you. All of it. The ones I wrote on the last few days after Christmas also. I am sharing it to your Facebook inbox one by one."

"That's superb. Wait let me login to fb."

"Btw Champion. Don't judge me Ok. It's just free time scribblings. "

" Were you planning on calling me today? And show all these poems. "

"Yes Ofcourse."

" Even if I hadn't replied?"

"Maybe, maybe not. But I was gonna send these to your fb inbox no matter what. And I made you called me. Haha. I wasn't actually saying bye nor I was upset. I just tricked you to call me."

"Ahem Ahem! As if I dont know you. We are already friends nah. I know your small tricks"

She wasn't planning to say that she really wanted to speak to him instead the Choice of words made John realize that Sarah just considers him as a good friend and he didn't want to spoil his image by opening up his love for her.

"Sarah, my friend. Dont worry one last semester is left. I have more tricks up my sleeve."

"Heyy John these Poems are really beautiful and this is a fine piece of art. You should definitely participate in the contest. I think you will definitely win. Even though we are in different houses, there is no competition between us. We are good friends nah. If you get 1st prize I will be most happy"

"Hmm. Let's see. Have you gone through the recent ones I wrote after Christmas?"

" Yeah I am looking at them one by one. Its so romantic. Your girlfriend is lucky. Or is it your future girlfriend? "

"No no. I am single. No girlfriend. Maybe the lucky one is future girlfriend only."

"Btw Reena had called me on Christmas Eve. The same day you texted"

John's heart skipped a beat.

" What did she tell? What's the matter? What all she told?"

"Dont get tensed. Why are you panicking? Is there anything I should know about? Or I shouldn't know about?"

"Nothing like that. Since I took your number from her. I thought.."

**Long pause**

"John! You there?"


" I told you right. We are close. She had called to wish for Christmas and told that you collected my number"

" So you talked about me?"

"No! Just that you had asked my number and she is giving it. That's it John. Why suddenly your tone changed?"

"Nothing Sarah! So you knew I took your number. Were you expecting my message?"

"I was expecting you call"

John is again in a dilemma. To open up or to keep the friendship. Will the both go hand in hand. He was left with no answers.

" My call. Why?"

"Because of the history we had in the library"

"What history? It was just 10 minutes and a water bottle."

Now Sarah wonders whether he considered her a friend atleast after the meeting at the library.

" That's it. Nothing more huh? I thought we were friends from them. Didn't you consider me as a friend from then?"

"Hmm well now I consider you as my friend. After you called on Christmas I started considering. But there was no response from you after that."

"I was waiting for you to send Good morning Champion or Good night Champion. I love hearing that from you. Makes me feel like I am a friend to you rather than the formal messages."

"Ok Champion. So do I qualify according to the Champion of St Thomas for Poetry?"

"A GRADE. But these recent poems are having some deeper meaning. It's good but intriguing in the meantime. There is a lot of wonders you have left hidden in these word John. I will unravel them one by one u see."

"Haha! Take your time Champion. You have all the time u need."

Those poems were intended for her. Does she know it already or is she pretending not to? What's going between these two? Are they just bonding to be good friends or something beyond that. Only time will tell.

"It was nice talking to you John. I think this year would be a great year for me. Wishing you the same and Thank God 2012 is already over, no need to fear the unknown during midnight. Bye John. See you in college."

"Bye Sarah. See you soon"

"Ahem Ahem!"

"Bye Champion!"

"That's my boy"

Call disconnected.

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