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Crying!Tsukasa x Reader
Requested by: sensitivegraphical

Soft Tsukasa ahead!❤


You were highly overwhelmed today, the fear and sadness clash in your stomach like crazy. You can't bring your focus on the lecture.

Why? You may ask?

Let's just say, yesterday didn't turned out very good.

Let's take a look...

It was once again, just a veerrryyy normal day at the Broadcasting Club, every member just minding their own business here and there. Nothing going wrong,


An amber-eyed apparition was pouting at you, while you were busy repeatedly tapping your fingers on your phone, your attention was clearly on the game you're playing.

He floats to you, his hand tugging your sleeves, hopelessly begging for you to give all the attention you have. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!"

All of his begging seems nothing to you, you just kept playing and playing.

"Hmphhh... (Y/N)!" he kept on whining and whining while clinging on you. His head on your shoulder to see what's keeping your attention away.

You were playing a mobile game.

Eventually, he thought it was boring. "(Y/NNNNN), let's go playyyy!"

"Not right now, Tsukasa. Please."

He immediately saddened, though the frown on his lips goes unnoticed by you.

Yet he was willing to wait until you give him the attention he wants.

He waited for minutes, and minutes... Still, your attention was on the annoying phone.

The impatience bottling up inside him rose up, visible anger was now on his baby face.

Which is still oblivious to you.

He can't take it anymore. He want your attention right here, right now.

The only thing that was on his mind was to remove that phone from existing.

Due to his impatient self, he eventually lost his control and took your phone and throwed it across the room. You were speechless...

The other members, Sakura and Natsuhiko was startled at the unexpected noise.

Once you got yourself back, your body immediately boiled in anger. You got up on your seat furiously and sent daggers at the apparition behind you.

"What the heck Tsukasa!" you shouted at Tsukasa who was making the same furious face as yours.

He crossed his arms, "You weren't giving me attention!" he snarls. You rolled your eyes and went to grab your phone. You checked every corner to make sure it has no cracks. You don't wanna get scolded by your mom, right? Unfortunately, there really was a big crack. Oh no.

𝐘. 𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐀𝐒𝐀 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 | 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒!Where stories live. Discover now