𝘽𝙖𝙙 𝙄𝙙𝙚𝙖

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Tsukasa x Dying!Reader
Requested by: Kinnara_moonUwU

Oops, forgot to put warning here.


"Look at the time, seems like I have to go, Tsukasa." you speaked to the apparition who was currently busy drawing on your notebook, messing up your class notes, obviously you can't stop him if you don't want him releasing his scary side again, so you just sit there and watch him mess everything up while crying internally.

His head jolted up from the mess up notebook to you, "Can you stay a little longer?" he's making those golden puppy eyes again. Of course you wanna stay longer with Tsukasa, but would you like to get scolded by your parents after?

Absolutely not.

"I- can come early tommorow! I promise!" you try to convince him with your only idea, flashing him a smile, hoping he wouldn't spawn his pitch black eyes to make you stay again.

But something doesn't feel right.

Besides on wanting to stay with Tsukasa for longer, it seems like the back of your mind is telling you to stay where you are.

But it was almost your curfew, so you just shrugged the negative feeling you have.

"Hmmm, okay! You should bring me muffins tommorow, 'kay?" he glee, handing you back your now messy class notebook and your pencil. Again, you cried internally at your notebook that was filled with drawings of a toddler, but overly reliefed that he agreed with your promise.

You packed your remaining stuff and shove them on your bag, not caring if it's messy or not.

You scooted to the door, with the apparition trailing behind you. Twisting the rusty knob and let yourself out as you bid goodbye to the childish apparition.

Let me just say... That it was a bad idea.

You walk through the dark halls, your shoes tapping the cold floor, your mind was currently looking forward to meet the cheeky, but creepy ghost tommorow.

You admit it, you like him.

Still, you don't trust him one bit.

He may act sweet and childish around you, but he's still the scary Tsukasa you knew. That's why you still haven't gave him your trust, because... What if he's just acting? What if he's just protecting you so he can use you for granted later? That thought was absolutely sickening, you felt bad for not trusting him.

But was if he's sincere with his actions?

All that thought was stuck in your mind like a sticky bubblegum, you bite your lower lip in frustration, hoping that thought didn't pop up in your brain in the first place.

Your feet about to take a turn when something grabbed your left ankle, pulling your body close to them harshfully, making you face-plant to the floor, dropping your bag.

𝐘. 𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐊𝐀𝐒𝐀 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 | 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒!Where stories live. Discover now