A Brand New Home

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Victoria's eyes opened slowly as she sighed a little. Rubbing her eyes, she arched up a little and let her feet hit the floor. "Where...where am I?" She questioned to herself and saw her surroundings, as if she didn't remember anything. She then spotted a necklace around her neck and it caught her attention. "Huh? An engagement ring?" Victoria then remembered everything from before her knock out. "Grace...Pogo...Five...the deal..." She mumbled to herself and thought back to the cave, the tears of her other siblings and niece. "Oh goodness, I'm engaged to Number Five!" Victoria said in worry. "You called?" Five smirked as he spacial jumped in front of the girl, and Victoria let out a small yelp. "Oh...you startled me." She stated. "So sorry, I do have that effect on people. Did you have a nice rest, my dear?" Five replied, staring the ginger in the eyes. "H-How long was I out?" Victoria questioned. "Oh, about an hour or so..." Five said in thought. "I took that time to decorate your room!" Victoria became confused. "M-My...my room?" She questioned. "What? You thought I was going to let my beautiful bride sleep on the couch or even a dusty old dungeon?" Victoria thought for a moment and was about to say yes.

"Never! You like red, right?" Five stated. "Uh...sure..." Victoria informed. "Of course, the sleeping arrangements is only temporary until the wedding." The time traveller said with a grin. Victoria gulped and thought about sleeping next to Five, she wouldn't sleep with hurdles of fear inside of her. "Um...Five...when is this wedding exactly?" She asked in concern. "Oh, I don't know... next month, next week, actually why wait? Let's get married tomorrow!" The boy smirked. "Tomorrow?!" Victoria cried. "Would you rather it'd be today? I understand if you're anxious but we need to get things organised first." Five grinned and crossed his arms. "For instance, we need to pick out your wedding dress. You'll want to look stunning on your big day!" He said. "Um...don't you think-"

Five only spacial jumped them into a massive wardrobe with three mirrors in front of Victoria. "Let's see your a size four, right?" He questioned to the ginger as he scanned her up and down. "Yes, but don't you think you're going a bit to..." Victoria muttered. Five only scanned the ginger once more and then snapped his fingers. Victoria's outfit changed into a wedding dress but the time traveller wasn't convinced. "Nah, it's too white and too classic." He snapped his fingers again.

" He snapped his fingers again

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"Too flowery."


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𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐗 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now