The Next Morning

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Five awoke with a yawn and rubbed his eyes. "What a dream..." He muttered to himself. "Crazy, Victoria and I...stars and sparks and..." But Five stopped his mumbling to hear a soft yawn. He looked over and saw Victoria under his arm, sleeping peacefully. Victoria then slowly woke up as Five stroked her hair a little. "Good morning." He said to her and Victoria yelped in surprise. " did we get up here?" She questioned. "W-We were stargazing, remember? You fell asleep." Five reminded the ginger, going back to last night's event. "Oh...I'm sorry..." Victoria stated, trying to apologise but Five only laughed in reply. "Don't be." He said and then he struck a thought. "You...didn't have any bad dreams, did you?" Five questioned. " bad dreams." Victoria replied with a soft smile. "In fact, I haven't slept that well in months!" She giggled. "Splendid!" Five laughed, clapping his hands together. "Now let's go eat! I have a big day planned for us!"

Later, Five and Victoria were together on an ice rink, out near the castle. Five was smoothly skating but Victoria had never done it before so she was struggling. Five held her by her hands to keep her balance. "I...I've never been ice skating before..." She mumbled to him. "It's easy, just keep your feet together like french fries to build up speed and when wanting to slow down, bend down on your knees." Five explained to her. "What?" Victoria asked as if she didn't hear anything. "French fries for speed, crouch for slowing down." Five clarified. "What does crouching and french fries have to do with ice skating?" She asked him. "Ugh...just follow my lead." Five said as he and Victoria glided across the rink. "Ah!" Victoria shrieked in fear. "'s just like walking. Only on frozen water!" Five reassured. "Would you like to try it by yourself?" He then asked. "No! What if I trip or fall through the ice? What if I get a concussion?" The red-head yelled in worry. "Oh, don't be such a worried wuss!" Five screamed in annoyance but then stopped himself from frightening the girl. "If you fall...I'll catch you. We'll do one foot at a time, so left forward and glide." Victoria did what Five said, putting her left foot forward and glided slowly across the ice. "Then your right." Five then said. "Left, right, left, right..." Victoria obeyed and kept going left and right with Five's hand in hers.

"Alright, now I'm going to slowly let go." Five muttered. "Wait, what?!" Victoria exclaimed. She began to shake in fear. "It's okay, I'll be right behind you. I just want to see if you can do it on your own." He reassured to her. "Are you ready?" Victoria gulped in worry. "I...think so." She replied. Five put her in front of him and slowly pushed her forward. "Okay, now!" Victoria shrieked a little from the impact of the push. She then began to think back to Five's instructions and did what he told her. "Left, right, left, right, left, right...hey, I think I got it!" She smiled. Five grinned a little but then saw the direction the ginger was headed in, giving widened eyes. "V-Victoria, watch where your going!" He exclaimed. The red-head looked forward and screamed. "F-Five, how do I stop?" She asked. "Crouch down!" Five exclaimed. "I-I can't, what if I fall into the ice?" Victoria said with worry in her voice. "Oh my...I'm coming!" Five called out and spacial jumped, taking the girl in his arms. "There. I think it's better when we do it together." Victoria relaxed in his arms and giggled a little. They glided together perfectly, no shrieking or anything. Five grinned a little and tried to play a little joke on her.

"W-Woah, Victoria! I think I'm gonna fall!" He cried out. The red-head eye's widened in shock but also fear. "Wait, what?!" She shouted. Five began to slip on his feet on the ice and fall onto the ground, in a ball of snow. Five began to laugh and Victoria glared at him, wiping the snow off her hair. "That was not funny, Five! I nearly had a heart attack!" She exclaimed in anger. "Oh, come on! You were amazing out there, my dear!" Five stated. "Y-You think so?" The red-head stammered. "Not bad for a beginner." Five remarked. "I guess I was...I was just too scared to try it. But I was great! I wish Klaus was here to..." Victoria fell silent once speaking of Number Four. She missed the junkie and his crazy actions and jokes, his drunk words, and just himself. "Oh no, I need a smile...don't be sad!" Five muttered to himself. "Well, onto the next activity, shall we?"

The two were then in a bowling alley? "Um, Five, I know you have a lot of rooms but...I never expected you to have something like this." Victoria said to the time traveller. "Well, I may not seem the type of person to do bowling but I added this in case you wanted to...oh, I don't know. Have some fun?" Five replied. Victoria looked at him for a moment and then nodded a little. She went to pick up a bowling ball that was the same colour as her power. Five grinned and walked over to her, standing behind, to help her. "Now, my dear, the key to getting them all down is to channel your anger. Like think of something or someone that makes you angry and pretend it's them you're knocking down." He explained to Victoria. "B-But, I don't want to hurt anyone..." The red-head mumbled. Five groaned and facepalmed at her response. "Oh for pity's sake, you are not going to hurt anyone! It's just so you could get a strike!" He exclaimed in annoyance. "But...I'm not angry." Victoria stated and began to toss the ball back and forth. "Oh, come on! I've seen you angry before! Like when I was picking on our siblings, you were on fire! Or like that time where we had that fight and I forced you to be my wife, you were really angry then! Or when I tried to take over the land-" The angelic side of Five appeared on his shoulder and he whispered "This isn't helping your image, you know." Victoria heard the tender voice and faced Five. "What was that?" She asked. "O-Oh, nothing! Just think of a time you were angry...that doesn't involve me." Five replied, getting rid of the small man and muttered the last part. "Well...there was this criminal that was mean to Diego, Luther, Klaus and Vanya but also harassed Allison sexually."

"Okay, focus on how angry that person made you...and not those siblings of ours." Five said and again, muttered the last part. "Did he make you angry?" He asked. Victoria's hand gripped tighter on the ball as she thought back to that day. He had knocked out Klaus, punched Luther and Diego and slapped Vanya which left a mark but also assaulted Allison sexually. She wanted to kill him with all her might. "Yes..." She whispered. "Was he mean? Was he cruel?" Five kept egging on. "Yes." Victoria said with a stern tone in her voice. "Didn't you want to make him suffer?" Five growled. "YES!" She screamed and yelled out as she threw the ball with all her strength. She got a strike! Five's jaw had dropped and Victoria gave a squeal of delight. "Did you see that? I got a strike! I've never got a strike before!" She exclaimed with a big smile. "You were so....furious." Five muttered. "Oh...I'm sorry..." The red-head mumbled. "Sorry? That was delightful!" Five said, putting his hands on the girl's shoulders with a grin. "You managed to get a strike on the first try!" Victoria giggled and smiled. "That's right, I did. Oh, Diego will be so thrilled when I tell him...oh right..." But she stopped herself again as she thought of Number Two. Five could see it was happening again and gave a nervous look. "Uh...what's say after we finish this game, we could break for lunch?" He then suggested as he tried to lift the girls spirit up. Victoria looked at him with a smile. "Sounds great."

𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐗 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now