Five's Worries

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Victoria watched the mirror with small tears forming in her eyes. She missed the others too, and wanted to see them again. "Oh guys...I missed you too..." She whimpered and then began to cry into her pillow. But Five was in his room and could hear her sobs, making him groan. "Oh, come on! I've taken the small man's stupid advice! What will it take to please this woman?" He shouted and like always, his reflection appeared in his mirror but also showed an image of the red-head crying. "How wonderful...look at her crying!" His reflection smirked. "And here, I thought you'd gone soft for her. But look! You still bring miserable to all human-kind." Five wasn't hearing this and began to throw pillows at him. "Oh, dear god!" His reflection gasped, dodging the pillows. "How dare you insult the woman I intend to make my queen!" Five growled. His reflection scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Oh, not this again. We've been through this! That stupid and wimpy ginger will never-" But Five cut him off. "You call her that one more time, and it's the junkyard for you!" He shouted with gritted teeth. Five's reflection only laughed.

"You think getting rid of this mirror will get rid of me?" He sneered. "Don't you see? I'm everything you will always be. You will always be the lord of chaos and time travel! No matter how many gifts you give to that red-head, the amount of things you do and the kindness you do. You. Will. Always. Be. What. I. Am." Five's fist shook in anger, he didn't want to hear this. "No....NO!" Five screamed and punched the mirror, shards falling off and small blood on his fist. The time traveller looked at himself in the shards and thought about what his reflection had said. He felt tears swell up and held himself close by his knees. "I-I'm not..." He whimpered. "I'm not!" He whispered, choking on tears. What he didn't know was that Victoria had heard the shards being broken and knew something was wrong with Five so she went to go see. She walked down the long hallway and opened Five's bedroom door. "Five?" Her soft voice called out and it shocked the time traveller. "O-Oh, Victoria!" He nervously chuckled, standing up and getting rid of his tears. "Aha, I was..." He was jumbling up his words. "Who were you talking to?" The ginger questioned. "Oh, the mirror! It insulted me so I taught it a lesson...anyway, is there anything I can do for you, my dear?" Five stated. "I think the better question is...what can I do for you?" Victoria replied. "Don't be silly! Have you been crying? Would a walk in the garden make you feel better?" Five said, trying to avoid the fact he was crying earlier. 

"Five, I know you're upset about something." Victoria said as she crossed her arms with a stern look. "N-No, I'm not! I'm fine! Even if I was, which I'm not, your happiness is more important than mine." Five responded. Victoria could see the time traveller was trying to hide his feelings from her and it made her frown a little. She knew why he wanted a bride. "I know why you wanted a bride." She said, taking his hands in hers. "I-I was bored?" Five said in a questioning manner. "You're lonely." Victoria stated. Five stayed quiet, he never really thought about loneliness as he grew in the apocalypse. "You are, aren't you? You've been stuck in the apocalypse for years and you haven't had one friend! Anyone would be lonely under those circumstances." Victoria said. "Don't waste your pity on me...I'm not one of the fuzzy animals or the junkie or the ordinary one." Five spat but Victoria's frown made his look soften. "Although, it is nice to have someone to talk to who's not a reflection or a mannequin." Five mumbled. "Mannequin?" Victoria questioned. "Long story, I'll tell you later." Five replied. "I'm glad was you who came to me." Five said with a small grin. "I'm kinda glad too." Victoria giggled.

"Although, I would've preferred Vanya." Five smirked as he was playing another joke on the red-head. "W-What?" Victoria asked in confusion. Five preferred Vanya? "Or Allison...nah, not Allison." Five continued. "B-But..." Victoria tried to reason but Five only laughed. "You should've seen your face! You were so jealous!" He said, trying not to laugh as he talked. Victoria's cheeks went pure red when he said that. "No, I wasn't!" Victoria exclaimed. "Oh, really? What if I told I was exchanging you for another woman?" Five grinned. "Y-You wouldn't! Um...I mean..." Victoria stated. "You see...jealous!~" Five said in a teasing tone, tapping his index finger on her nose. It made her flinch a little from his touch. "Don't worry your pretty little head, my dear!" Five started before he lifted the girl up and swung her around. "You're the only one for me!~" He sang. Victoria giggled a little as Five held her close. "Well, I'm hungry. Why don't we have lunch outside today?" Five asked. "Um...sure. Just give me a moment to get ready..." Victoria said as she got out of Five's grasp. "Wonderful! I'll be waiting outside, don't be too long!" Five chuckled and then spacial jumped away. Victoria held herself and slid down Five's bedroom wall. Her cheeks were as hot as the sun and her heart was thumping like crazy. "Can I, I can't be..." Victoria asked herself. Was she falling in love with Five Hargreeves?

𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐗 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now