The Chosen Choice

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Luther sat by the window and looked up at the sky with worry. "It's the third day and no one still hasn't come forth to marry Five. What are we going to do?" He said to himself, putting his hands on his head. "Luther! Luther!" Diego yelled as he ran down the halls and towards the ape-like man. "Diego? What's wrong?" Luther asked in worry once seeing his brother, who was panting and trying to gain his breath. "You've gotta come quickly!" Diego exclaimed. "What is it?" Luther questioned. "It's Victoria. She's gone!" Number Two said, still catching his breath. "Gone?! What do you mean gone?!" Luther shouted and he stood up in slight anger. "See for yourself, come on!" Luther followed Diego up the stairs as the both rushed to Victoria's room on the other side of the academy. Once in, everyone else except for Victoria was in there and they were scavenging her room but Vanya was only sitting on the bed and looking down at the floor. "Luther, oh thank goodness! It's terrible, just terrible!" Allison cried. "Where's Victoria?" Luther asked again. "We have no idea." Diego stated. "I found this note on Victoria's pillow!" Klaus piped up, everyone seeing a piece of paper in his hand. "Let me see that." Klaus handed Luther the paper and Luther scanned it before reading out loud. "Dear siblings, I am very sorry. It was the only not come after me. This was my choice, Vanya will explain. Please, take care of yourselves, tell Klaus I'm sorry because I am. Love, Victoria." 

Luther then looked up from the paper to Number Seven, who was still sitting in the same state on the bed. "Vanya, do you know anything about this?" He questioned. It was a few seconds of silence but Vanya couldn't hold the secret any longer. "No, she did! She gone and did it! I tried to talk her out of it, I really did, but she made me bestie promise not to you all!" She blurted out in all of a sudden. "Promise not to tell us?" Allison said. "Calm down, Vanya. What happened?"


Meanwhile, whilst the others were trying to find reason, Victoria had travelled up to the cave where they tried to please the deal with Five. This was different. This time...Five would get a bride. "Hello?" Her soft voice echoed throughout the cave. "Anybody there?" She then whimpered and straighten her hair for comfort. "Oh, I can't do this!" Victoria cried to herself but she then thought back to Grace and Pogo and gained the small confidence back. "You can do this! Just be brave..." She told herself. Victoria slowly entered the cave and gulped slightly. "Hello? Five?" Her soft voice echoed again. "Well, well, well..." The voice of him made Victoria whimper and suddenly, Five was in front of her. "If it isn't Number Eight of the Umbrella Academy..." He said, Victoria backing away a little. "Come to negotiate some more?" Five questioned. "Um, sort of..." Victoria replied in a small murmur. "Strange that Luther would send you to try and reason with me...well, you can tell your ape son of a brother that my mind has not changed. I will take a bride and nothing else."

"And a bride you shall have!" Victoria replied with determination. Five's face went from a scoff to a concerned look. "Is that so...?" He asked as he crossed his arms. "Well, who is the lucky girl?" He continued. The ginger looked down to the stone floor and felt the small breeze against her hair before she spoke in a low whisper, "Right here..." Five raised an eyebrow. "Come again?" He said. "I will be your bride." Victoria replied. Five stared at the red-head for a few seconds and then he let out a small hurdle of laughter. "Oh, this is a joke, right? Who put you up to this? Luther? Perhaps the junkie, Klaus?" He laughed but Victoria didn't crack a smile. "Diego, right?" Five questioned, seeing the expression on the ginger's face. "You're serious about this?" Victoria nodded and said "Y-Yes..." Five's look quickly changed to confusion but concerned as well. "You...?" Victoria nodded again. "If that's alright..." She said. "And nobody put you up to this?"

𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐗 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now