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Victoria rubbed her head with a sigh and opened her eyes slightly as thunder banged. There was darkness all around her and she wasn't in the reassurance of her bed. "W-Where am I?" She questioned to herself.

"Victoria..." The red-head knew that voice straight away.

"Oh no! Not again!" She whimpered to herself as the voice repeated "Victoria..."

"No, you're not real, no!" Victoria exclaimed to him, squeezing her eyes shut. "Soon, my dear Victoria, you will be mine..." Five smirked as he stared the red-head down. Victoria looked down to see herself in the arms of the one person she feared. "Why won't you go away?"

Five only laughed manically, throwing his head back before looking back to the red-head. "Don't you get it? I'm in your mind because you keep me here." He said. "Well, I don't want you here! Go away!" Victoria exclaimed. She whimpered a little as Five laughed again. "You know what you have to, my dear. So what are you waiting for? Grace and Pogo won't last know I favour you over the others." Victoria looked away with a quiver. "Stop it!" She exclaimed again, trying to look away from Five's devious smirk. "You are indeed the loveliest of people." Five stated. "Get away from me!"

"You can't escape queen..." He whispered quietly. "No! I'll never be yours!" The red-head denied with a confident look as best as she could without having to whimper. "But if you don't do it, who will?" Five said rhetorically. "I can't! I won't!" Victoria said. Five smirked and set the ginger down on the ground before looking down at her with a evil grin. "You will give into me, you just need a little....attitude adjustment..." He cackled before snapping his fingers and darkness towered over the two.

Victoria looked down to see herself being drained of her power, green surges coming out of her hands. Five evily laughed and Victoria struggled but couldn't move. "No! NO!"

Victoria awoke with a small gasp. She looked to her surroundings and saw herself in her bedroom, seeing the instruments and small bookcase and her old uniform, hanging from the closet doorknob. "Oh, thank goodness..." She sighed, rubbing her head in relief. "It was a dream...just a dream..." Victoria sat up from her bed and dusted her pyjamas, the old ones she wore as a kid. They were the only pair that fitted her as due to her power, she was stuck in her 13-year old body. "I can't go to sleep right now." Victoria whispered to herself, thinking back to the nightmare she just had and the pain she had felt. "I suppose I'll go down to the kitchen for something to eat..." The red-head left the comfort of her warm bed and ruffled her ginger hair as she made her way into the hallway and passed her other siblings in their sleep state and listening to the small snores they gave.

She looked around in the hallway, thinking of the small good times that the siblings had when they were young and so innocent. But as time grew, things got bad for them. Five leaving to the future but then becoming evil, Victoria not ageing and all thanks to her telekinesis and sadly, their brother Ben passing away on a mission.

The academy was dark that night, not one of the others were awake or roaming around like the ginger or so it seemed. Not paying attention of where she was going, someone bumped into her. It was Vanya, who had came down for a small snack. "Ah!" Victoria shrieked as she hit the floor. "What in the...Victoria?" Vanya questioned and helped her sister up. "Oh, Vanya, I'm so sorry! You startled me." Victoria then saw the plate and a mess of food on the floor. "Oh, I made you drop your food! I'm such a clust!" She cried. "Oh, it's okay, Tori. Guess you couldn't sleep either, huh?" Vanya replied. Victoria nodded with a small frown on her lips. "Nightmare again...?"

"It was different this time, it was...he..." Victoria sniffed but Vanya put a hand on her shoulder and it stopped Victoria's blabbering. "Calm down, Tori. Tell you what, how bout' after I clean this up, I'll make us both a small treat and I'll make you some tea. That always calms you down and clears your mind. Sound good?" She questioned. Victoria looked Number Seven deep in the eyes and then nodded, saying "Okay..."


Victoria and Vanya sat at the downstairs kitchen table, a cup of tea and coffee on the table along with small slices of apples. Victoria told her sister of the nightmare she had and the fear of her power being taken from her and the pain she felt from the surges. "And that's when I woke up..." She said and took a sip of her tea. "I're really letting Five's threat get to you...don't worry, we'll figure something out." Vanya replied with a hand on her cheek. "Vanya...can I tell you a secret?" The red-head questioned, her hand tightening on the handle of the mug in her hands. "Oh, Victoria! You know how bad I am at keeping secrets! I'm a terrible liar!" Vanya exclaimed as she threw her head back a little. "Please, Vanya...I trust you with this secret. You don't have to lie about it but just don't mention it to anybody." Victoria replied in a small whisper, hoping that her sister would give in and agree with her for support.

"Well, okay but...why me?" Vanya said. "It's...shocking and...I need advice along with it. Luther would lecture me, Allison would overreact, Diego would flip out and look like he's ready to murder someone,  I don't know about Ben since he' know...and Klaus, well...drunk thoughts..." Victoria explained, rubbing the back of her neck. Vanya gave an understanding look and then nodded her head in agreement. "Alright, alright, I get it. So what's the secret?" She questioned. "First, you must promise not to tell and not to freak out!" Victoria started. "I promise." Vanya smiled. "Bestie promise?" The red-head asked. Bestie promise was something Vanya and Victoria did when they were little. They did it when one had to keep a secret so deep that they couldn't share to anyone at all. "Cross my heart and don't hope to die, stick a surge in my eye." Vanya grunted with a small chuckle and Victoria smiled a little. "Okay, I'm thinking of..." But then Victoria spoke in a low whisper and Vanya couldn't hear. "Come again?" She asked and Victoria did the same thing again. "Victoria, I'm gonna need you to speak up."

"I'm thinking of going with Five!"

𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 (𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐗 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐚)Where stories live. Discover now