For this next chapter of his life and his career, Alex totally revamped his team, bringing in only people he trusts. And as far as a manager goes, Alex asked me to take on the role as his manager. At first I refused, thinking it may complicate our relationship and that he was only handing me the job because he knows it's my dream to be a manager, but he assured me that he trusted me. He said I'm the only one he can fully trust to take care of him, putting him first as a person instead of a superstar. It took a lot of convincing, but I finally accepted, and I can now say I wholeheartedly love my job.

We're both still getting used to being back out on the road, and Alex's career taking off again, but we're taking it all one step at a time. This time around there's no pressure to be absolutely perfect or to make money. Alex is just having fun doing what he loves and doing everything on his own terms. We're not taking anything too seriously, just figuring it out as we go.

As far as Chris, he and Alex haven't really spoken since Alex fired him. After the falling out, Chris tried to come after me again, trying to sue me for allegedly breaking my NDA. I never broke my agreement, but Chris was relentless to make it look like I did for revenge.

There was no way in hell Alex would let that happen. He lawyered up, ready for another battle with Chris, even willing to pay the ungodly amount Chris was trying to sue me for if that's what it came down to, but I would never allow him to do that for me.

Fortunately I didn't have to. Chris didn't end up winning his case, and Alex and my lawyer were fully prepared to countersue Chris for all he put me through, feeding lies to the media and slandering my name, but I could care less about money. Instead, Alex ended up blackmailing Chris into publicly apologizing to me. Alex threatened to ruin Chris's career and his reputation further if he didn't admit to the media that the alleged affair between Alex's father and I was fake and something he cooked up.

Not wanting to give me a dime, knowing he's not going to be making money for a while anyway now that his biggest client is gone, Chris unhappily agreed. Seeing him admit to the world that he made up all those allegations about me was more satisfying than any amount of money I'd ever take from him. Again, I could care less about money. In my head, reputation means more than a dollar amount, and now my reputation is restored while Chris' is plummeting, along with his bank account now that he doesn't have Alex making him money. Double whammy.

Alex lets go of my hand as the car rolls to a stop and I hear him mess with the gear shift. "We're here."

I hear him unbuckle his seatbelt and open his door which prompts me to unbuckle my seatbelt and reach for the blindfold.

"No, keep it on!" he instructs and I let out a groan of frustration, ready to figure out what the surprise is already. His car door slams shut and seconds later mine is opened. "Come on, Joss," he says, surprising me by hooking an arm behind my back and the back of my knees.

I let out a little noise of surprise and instinctively loop my arms around his neck, causing him to laugh. He shuts my car door with his hip and carries me a short distance before placing me on my feet. He stands behind me, his front pressing against my back as his arms loop around my waist. "Ready?" he asks, his breath tickling my ear as his chin rests on my shoulder.

I nod and his arms let go of me to remove the blindfold. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the sunlight after not being able to see for a while. After a few blinks my eyes focus and I gasp.

In front of us is an old 1900's stone house that looks like a castle. The large four story structure is simply beautiful. The architecture is stunning with small turrets, crenellations, and gables. I take a look around to view all the greenery and flowers. It's beyond beautiful now that the large trees on the property are starting to turn colors, red, orange, and yellow leaves scattering about in the light fall breeze.

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