twenty three

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**louis' POV**

walking with and next to harry and not being able to hold his hand is proving to be quite difficult. especially after what happened less than an hour ago. the whole team and all the extra people are out with us and I am practically begging to go back and just cuddle with harry. don't get me wrong, I want to be out and celebrating with everyone, but I'd rather it be without every side comment being thrown at me.

they do it quietly and when harry isn't listening. he was pulled to the front earlier so they could talk to him and jacob shoved me rather harshly into a passing couple. a straight couple. he chose to taunt me about it, saying "see, they're normal". it shouldn't have hurt so much, but it did. when harry came back after that, he noticed I was acting slightly different and I had no mind to tell him otherwise.

"lou are you okay?" he quietly asked and I shook my head no. he immediately stopped us to make some distance between us and the rest of the group. "what's wrong baby?" he lifted his hand to my face and cupped my cheek, motioning me to lean into the gentle touch. "jacob said some shit to me" I quietly answered, blinking away the tears threatening to pool over. "what shit?" harry gritted through his teeth. his other hand that was gently holding my waist tightened it's grip.

he's angry.

"he basically said I'm not normal. the usual stuff, it's fine" I told him, moving my face away from his hand and using the sleeve of my black hoodie to wipe some tears away. "lou baby, it's not fine" he uses both hands to cup my face before bringing me into his arms. "don't leave my side and I'll definetly say something if they do" he reassured, feeding his fingers into my hair. "thanks haz" I whisper into his chest. we pull apart and quickly catch up with everyone else, not wanting them to notice we were trailing behind.

an hour later and we're all crammed into a resturant, taking up four tables of eight. I'm next to harry and thankfully on the end. niall and liam are also on the table so there is only four other people on here, one of them being nick. harry says nick won't say any homophobic stuff to me so I relax a little at that.

we make small and meaningless conversation and I'm completely calm as harry's hand lays gently on my thigh. he keeps it there the whole time, softly stroking it every once in a while. this makes a dark blush play on my cheeks all night, hating when he takes it away to eat and when we all get up to leave.

we all pay after spending a good fifteen minutes figuring out how much we all owe (harry eventually snatched the bill and asked me to figure it out), then left the resturant. we walked around a little longer, harry and I trailing at the back with our pinky's held together, before deciding to head back at around 11pm.

once we were all inside, we went to our respected rooms after a lot of hugs from the team members. niall and I stood back awkwardly, waiting for liam and harry before going back to our room. when they were finally done, we went back to the room and all fell on our beds.

we all took our turns getting dressed in the bathroom, before climbing into our beds. harry volunteered to turn off the light using the switch by the door. he walked back over to his bed but I stuck out my foot and tapped his leg, stopping he before he reached it. I pushed out my arms and made grabby hands at him, in dire need of some cuddles.

"wanna cuddle hazzy" I whispered and sat up to grab his shirt, pulling him down to kiss him. "hmm didn't need to ask baby" he answered quietly, getting in the bed next to me and pulling me to lay down. I rest my head on his chest and sling my arm and leg over him.

"g'night boobear" he kisses my head, making my lean up to look at him before leaning in and capturing his lips. "goodnight haz, I'm so proud of you" I tell and watch through the darkness as a light blush appeared on his face. "thank you" he whispers back and kisses me one last time before I lay my head back down on his chest. I soon drift off into sleep, letting the noise of niall climbing into liam's bed go unheard.


a short one this time but I asked a friend if I should do a chapter about the night and she said yeah so here you go. it's really shit but I thought I'd do one anyway. I hope you are doing well and if you aren't I am here for literally anyone and everyone. message me if you want or need to <3
- S

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