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**harry's POV**

I follow louis out the room, being one of the last people out, just before zayn. "lou are you coming over tonight?" zayn nudges his arm and starts walking with us. he's standing very close to him and I can't help but let a wave of jealousy rush over me.

I've always been slightly jealous of zayn. not because I think he and louis are a thing, but because he gets to see louis everyday, hug louis whenever he wants, speak to louis all the time, and fuck he just asked louis if he was going over to his. I want all that.

"oh zayn I'm sorry, I completely forgot about that. I said I'd help harry in the library again" zayn's back is to me leaving me a clear view of louis' face. I try not to stare at him but it is extremely difficult when he is giving zayn pleading eyes and a small smile.

they start whispering to each other, giving me the sign to stop listening because it is clearly a private conversation. over these two years I've developed this weird thing where I can hear louis talking over anyone else. if he is in my close proximity, or even if he's in the same room, I can hear his voice over everyone's. this makes it difficult to ignore some of the things he says.

"do you mind? I know you already told your mum"

"he doesn't like me stop it zayn"

"you really don't mind?"

"I'm not going to flirt with him Z"

"oh shush. anyway, thanks Z"

they pull away from their conversation and end it with a quick hug, making my fists clench without me being able to stop it. god I'd love to be able to hug him.

"okay sorry about that, we can go now" he flashes me a quick smile before quickly heading off. for someone who has short legs he can walk very fast. he is managing to keep up with me and not even niall can do that sometimes.

we are walking very close together and every once in a while our hands will brush, causing us both to chuckle and go bright red. I would love to reach out and grab his small hand and engulf it in mine, but he might not be comfortable and he isn't mine, no matter how much I want him to be.

we eventually get to the library and I open the door for him, before stepping in behind him and closing the door. louis picks a table and sits at it, letting me chose a seat. I obviously pick the one closest to him. so he can help me.

yeah, so he can help me. only that reason.

we dive right into the work and only 2 minutes in to us being here he is holding my pencil and leaning over me to show me how to do something. I don't know what happens to the other louis I see during school, it's like he doesn't exist. he's barely nervous in here and he doesn't tense as often as he usually would in a lesson.

I'm curious to know why, but I don't want to overstep. unfortunately my mouth decides for me and asks a question I immediate regret. "why are you different here?" I can feel and see him tense at the question. "sorry, oh god I'm sorry, it's none of my business I shouldn't have ask-" he shakes his head with a dry laugh, cutting me off.

"no it's fine. I don't know why I'm telling you this but oh well. I'm more tense in school because all your friends are around. they aren't in here and the people who are in here are nice to me or just don't talk to me. I feel safer in here"

he feels safer in here. god that breaks my heart. he doesn't feel safe in school. no one should feel like that. and I'm angry that it's because of my "friends". I don't even like half of the people I hang around with. I'm only really friends with niall and liam.

"louis I am so sorry that you feel like that around them. I hate that they make you feel like that. if you want I can stop them, I could talk to them or if they say something I'll tell them to stop?" I ask and search his face for a reaction, but I'm met with his red tinged cheeks and thin lips open in a small 'o'

oh louis shut your mouth, please.

"uhh I- n-no it's f-fine" "no louis it's not. I won't force you to let me but seriously, I am more than happy to stop them. I can't handle the thought of them hurting you over something that's out of your control" I make a very bold move and reach out to place my hand on his arm.

he doesn't flinch away. thank god.

"t-thank you harry" he whispers and I soften at his gentle tone. "of course lou. should we get back to this?" I ask and he nods his head, retaking his place leaning over me with my pencil in hand.

we spend a good forty five minutes working on the stuff we must learn for the exam. I complimented him whenever I could, trying to pick things that wouldn't be too awkward or obvious. I want him to know that he is gorgeous and he doesn't need to listen to the jackasses known as my "friends".

"I really like your writing lou"

"you've got such little hands. they're cute"

"your hair looks good long. I remember it being short. you look great with both"

that last one caught his attention. with the others he would just blush and smile. sometimes muttering a small thank you, but that one, he spoke up about.

"you remember?" he asks and I freeze. "uh yeah, last year it was shorter but now you can kinda flip it to the one side and have a few small curls. it suits you" I say with as much confidence I can muster. it's very difficult to keep my hands from roaming through his hair. "I remember when your hair was short. it's past your shoulders now. you l-look g-good" he gently replies. lifting his hands almost as if he was about to run his fingers through my hair, but dropping them before doing so.

from then on, all I could do was compliment him and I tried to touch him anywhere that was appropriate. his arm, his hands, his shoulders.

our legs are pushed up against each other for a lot of the time and I am in no way complaining. I'm about to shuffle even closer to him when my phone buzzing interrupts me.

hey haz, can you come home quite soon, gemma's coming down and I want you to be here before she is. love you😚

"it's my mum. I need to be home soon, my sister is down" I pick up my things and shove them into my bag, louis copying my actions. "o-okay, um if you need anymore help, you can ask o-or text me?" he questions with a hopeful expression and I almost buckle at it.

he wants me to text him!!

"uh yeah I'll text you, maybe not just for work" I hopefully ask with a wink as he goes bright red, before nodding and looking down. I wish I could reach out and lift his head, but I don't think I can.

"right I should go. thank you for the help lou, I'll text you" we both turn towards the door and end up being very close together. "c-can I give you a hug?" I quietly ask, my mouth speaking before I can comprehend what it's said. his eyes widen slightly but he nods.

I lean in and engulf his small body in mine, loving the way we fit perfectly together. he smells amazing and I can't help but let my arm move up his back towards his hair, begging to put my hands in it but stopping myself.

we pull away and I just know my face is just as red as his. "okay bye lou, thank you again" I give him a small wave and a big smile. "it's alright. bye harry" he waves back and I turn to leave the room, wishing I could run back and kiss the shit out of him.


I'm not gonna lie, I really like this chapter. things are starting to get there. I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3
- S

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