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**harry's POV**

I throw the ball back to nick, watching him catch it before slowing down and laying back so he can pass it to me if he needs to. we're almost at the end of training and we've all been working on passing and throwing before our match tonight. as I'm the captain I get to decide what we do each practice, with some input from mr evans. nick scores a try and sir blows the whistle. I call everyone in to the middle and have them make a circle so I can talk to them.

"okay that's enough for today, we need to keep that up tonight and I don't care for any excuses. be in the changing rooms at..." I trail off turning to sir. "three?" he nods his head. "so we can change and get some practice in before kingsmore get here. alright see you guys at three" I dismiss them as they disperse, letting me follow as our cleats make noises on the tough concrete on the way inside.

just as I walk into the roofed area before the building doors, I'm pulled aside by a small hand clutching my shirt. I turn to see louis standing there with my shirt in his little hand, smiling up at me. "hello harold" he whispers, ghosting his lips over mine. "I watched you play the whole time and wow..." he trails off and bites his lip, looking over my body. "only you can make sweaty look really fucking hot" he crashes his lips on to mine and hungrily kisses me. I obviously kiss back, happy there is a wall shielding us from everyone else.

"fuck lou" I mutter, breathing heavily as his hands explore my chest. he randomly pushes me away and steps out the way, making me look around for someone possibly watching us. "go get dressed haz, you don't want to be late for chemistry" he tells me and I gape at him. "bu-" I plead with a pout, hoping he'll kiss it away.

he does.

"hmm good" I say before he shoves my chest. "okay seriously haz, you have chemistry and I have history, come on" I lean in one last time and kiss his perfectly thin lips, pulling away with a smirk before walking into the school, feeling a pair of eyes on my ass.

much to my dismay, when I come out the changing rooms, louis is already gone. I wait for nick who also has chemistry so we can walk together. nick is one of the few guys I actually like out of my "friends". he is actually gay, but he said he only trusts me enough to tell so I'm the only one who knows.

he has a boyfriend who is in the neighbouring school. he's called Meshach and I'm the only one from this school who knows about them. I've met him and they are adorable together. it's sweet really. I do trust him, but I don't want to tell him I'm gay just yet, I'll maybe tell him before actually coming out though.

once it hits three in chemistry, we leave the class and make our way to the changing rooms so we can get dressed and ready for our rugby match. in a few minutes I'm in my full kit and I'm running out the field, with a tired josh following behind.

within ten minutes, the whole team and a few subs are ready to warm up while we wait for kingsmore school to arrive. we hear the bell ring, indicating the end of the school day, but we think nothing of it. we carry on practicing as a small crowd of the teams girlfriends or more friends start to arrive.

I'm not waiting on anyone other than niall, liam's on the team, and he is already here so I don't scan the crowd once I've seen his blonde hair. just as I'm about to start a new passing activity, the other school arrives and pour onto the field. now we have abut ten minutes more of warming up before we start. I look at the crowd one more time and see someone I was never expecting to see.


he smiles wide at me from quite far away, giving me a small wave which I return. he looks freezing cold as his arms are wrapped around himself. he's wearing his uniform which is a thin white shirt and blazer, and in today's windy weather, it doesn't keep anyone warm.

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