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Weeks after the party, Love and Justin were back to being seniors. The local theatre was continuing their Marvel movie reruns, which Justin thought was a perfect opportunity.

He caught Love after school, waiting by her car with his hands behind his back. She squinted her eyes, suspicious of his behaviour. "Justin," she spoke slowly, "what's behind your back?"

He just smiled, slowly retracting his hand and revealing a rose. She giggled, waiting for an explanation. "Would you, Miss Weston, accompany me to the movie theatre this weekend to watch The Winter Soldier?"

She gasped in delight. "They're showing the Winter Soldier?!" She clapped her hands, doing small jumps as she smiled.

"That's what you care about? Not your handsome friend asking you on a date?" Justin was joking with her, glad she didn't take anything to heart.

"Of course I'll go with you, dummy."


Friday had emerged, the day of the movie with Love. And he intended to make it special. He'd worn his best smart yet casual outfit, done his hair and waited for her outside her home.

Love was gushing about her date to her mom, who was sitting beside her on the bed as she did her makeup. "I'm nervous, should I be nervous?"

"It's normal, honey." She confessed. "You're seeing Justin, who you usually view as a friend, in a romantic light. I'd be surprised if you weren't nervous." Love had chosen a nice dress, some sneakers, and her hair in his favourite style; wavy.

She heard a beep, quickly running down the stairs to open the door. Justin was waiting by the passenger side for her, a goofy smile on his face.

"See you later, mom." She waved, closing the door and following the path to Justin. He opened the door for her, letting her sit inside.

"You look amazing, as always." He admitted. "Are you ready?" She nodded, feeling the car start and they began driving to the movie theatre.

Snacks were bought, they sat in their seats and waited for the movie to begin. They chatted throughout the movie trailers, giggling at each one. They'd gotten halfway through, and Justin reached for her hand. She linked their fingers together, shooting a smile at him before continuing to watch the movie.

Justin could barely focus though; he was staring at Love. Her beautiful, waved hair. Her big, bright eyes, her warming smile. Everything about her just made it all the more real that he was in love with her. A year had passed of him being in Middlegate, and he'd found a nice life for himself.

The movie finished, Love hauling the empty candy packets over to the trash can outside the theatre. Justin stopped in front of her, his heart beating faster than he could handle it, but he grabbed her hand. "I have a question."

Love looked at him to ask away, and he finally did. As he spoke, every memory he had with her had flashed in his head. Like his own little movie.

"Despite your weird obsession with Captain America, and he's a man I stand no chance against, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course." She laughed. "And I'm glad you know your place." Earning a small frown from Justin, she giggled and pulled him into her.

woman like me - j.f✔️Where stories live. Discover now