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Love and Justin had made it back before the 15 minute interval finished. There was one final class before school was out, luckily, they shared that class. They'd taken trips to their locker, meeting up once again by the stairs. Love made sure to avoid Rowan at all costs. Surely avoiding your girlfriend to avoid arguments should indicate a major red flag. "I told you we'd make it back in time for Biology."

Justin rolled his eyes at his best friend, walking alongside her to the science block. The school was incredibly large, and he'd be lost if it weren't for Love. Biology was never a strong suit for him, he was better at math than most things. But Love loved it, mainly human biology. It was all part of the parcel for being a therapist. Throughout the class, he'd ask her for help, which she did happily. And sometimes ask for her notes after class.

"I'll say goodbye here," Love mentioned as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "Rowan's probably waiting by my car." Justin chuckled and held his arms out, squeezing her tightly. His hugs were amazing; as she was much smaller than him, he felt like a warm blanket around her.

"See you tomorrow, Love. I want to see the biggest banner with my name on it!" He called out. She laughed loudly, looking back and waving at him. He'd walked the opposite direction, as he had practice, and Love spotted Rowan leaning against her car.

"Hey, babe!" Rowan cheered. Love smiled and embraced her girlfriend. As they'd both gotten into her car, she felt the tension between them. Love felt unfaithful to Rowan. By hanging out with her friend, which Rowan hated. "Where were you after lunch?"

"I was in my room." She answered quickly, hoping Rowan wouldn't catch her in a lie.

"I checked, and you weren't. It was locked." Rowan responded. It was as if she already knew, but wanted to hear Love saw it.

"I must've already been in class when you checked." Luckily, the drive from the school to Rowan's home was short. Parking outside the large house, Rowan unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned in, Love following suit. After kissing her softly, Rowan blushed and left the car. The tension left with her, giving Love room to breathe.

She turned to volume up on the music in her car, taking a slow drive home. The same routine of her mom making dinner before leaving, and putting Margot to bed, had happened and left Love an exhausted mess. Deciding it was the right time for a shower, she'd turned the water on and let the water hit her skin. She was so overcome with emotion, she felt a tingle in her chest as it she choked on her tears. She couldn't tell apart the tears from the water droplets.

Sinking onto the floor of the shower, she sobbed. Hoping Margot couldn't hear her. Sophomore year still affected her immensely, she couldn't stop grieving. The pain was endless for her. She'd had enough of the shower, getting out and wrapping a towel around herself and walking back to her room. She'd found some clothes to provide warmth, her phone buzzing on the nightstand. She'd missed two FaceTime calls from Justin, as well as a handful of texts.

Justin: It's time to try the tea.
Justin: Love, are you there?
Justin: Do you want to FaceTime?

She sighed before quickly typing a message.

I was showering.

Justin: Shit, I'm sorry.

I'll FaceTime you when I'm ready.

Justin: I'll be waiting.

Her hair was semi dry, but she was warm. She'd taken her phone downstairs, propping it up and FaceTiming Justin as she made her tea. He answered with the mug in his hand, sitting at his kitchen table. His smile dropped when he noticed she hadn't smiled at all in the past few minutes, she just rarely glanced at the screen. Her face wasn't as glowing as it usually was, her eyes weren't as bright. Her cheeks had been tinted red.

"Love..." he paused, waiting for her to look up. But she didn't. She just hummed in response. "Have you been crying?" His question was answered as she immediately put her hands to her face and hid her features. "Talk to me."

She decided to make a bold decision. Margot was in bed, her mom wasn't home, Rowan was driving her nuts. "Can you come over?" There was no convincing him, he just ended the call as soon as he heard the question. He'd thrown an outfit together and left his apartment, starting the car and waiting for her to send her location. It was no short of a twenty minute drive.

She was still sat at the island whilst she waited for him to arrive, her tea losing its warmth. She just stared at the empty space ahead of her until she heard that knock. She'd almost ran to the door and opened it, Justin bringing her into a tight hug instantly. She had lost it once again, she began to cry into his shoulder and he just stood there and held her.

Minutes had passed, her cries were reduced to small breaths, and they departed. He looked down at her puffy eyes, her red cheeks, he could see her shattered heart through them. The sight was gut wrenching, he wanted to make her feel better. He'd swiped the pads of his thumbs under her eyes and wiped any stray tears from her face. "Did you drink your tea, Lovey?"

She giggled up at him and sniffled. "Nobody has called me 'Lovey' before." Justin smiled at her now happy face, following her into the kitchen. She'd stuck her finger into her drink, the beverage now cold. The hum of the microwave filled the silence, Love sitting on the island table to be at his height. "You should be getting a good night's rest." She stated, opening the microwave door and taking out her freshly warmed tea.

"I won't until you do." He replied, brushing the hair from her face. "Why were you crying?" It felt like a bad question at the time, but he was eager to know why she was so upset.

"I'll tell you soon."

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