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Love abandoned her car at Paolo's and found herself at the park, sitting on the edge of the swing. Her legs pulling her along to swing gently. Justin arrived shortly after, in a panic after spotting her car completely alone at Paolo's.

They noticed each other, running up to each other and embracing tightly. His heart was beating so fast, she could feel it against hers, and his arms were tightly holding her. He didn't want to let go of her, finally knowing she was safe. Seeing her car without her in it, knowing she could be anywhere was terrifying. He didn't want to ever lose her.

Love was overwhelmed, being held so tightly after her argument. She'd send Rowan into an early grave if she saw this right now. She felt comfortable in Justin's arms, it felt like home.

She looked up to see the expression on his face, but instead caught his lips against hers. It happened again and neither could stop themselves. Justin tried so hard to hold himself back, Love has a girlfriend, but he completely abandoned all sort of logic and his heart took the lead. Love felt comfort with the kiss, like this is what she needed right in that moment.

When their lips disconnected, it had come back to Justin in an instant. He shouldn't be kissing her, she shouldn't be doing this to him. He can't be her rebound whenever things get tough with Rowan. Justin turned to leave, more angry at himself than Love, and it was best to just go home and forget about what just happened. Like he did the first time.

"Where are you going?" Love asked, grabbing his hand before he was out of her vicinity. Justin stopped moving, trying to calm himself down. Love had only approached him and tried to turn him back round, but he wouldn't budge. "Justin?"

He stayed silent, trying to turn and leave again. Love wasn't having any of it. She didn't know whether it was her emotions from the fight that was causing her to be so upfront, but she wasn't going to let Justin leave without an explanation.

"Justin, why are you so eager to leave all of a sudden?" She questioned, retracting her arm as he was frozen in place. "We just kissed and now you want to run away."

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. A small chuckle had passed his lips, which only confused Love. "That's exactly it, Love. We kissed. Have you forgotten that you have a girlfriend?" The last thing she wanted today was to argue with two of the most important people in her life, but she was on the right track for it.

"No. I-I... we were caught in a m-moment and I couldn't stop." She stuttered. Justin looked close to tears, he didn't want to upset her. That was the opposite of what he wanted. He just felt bad for her more than anything.

"I'm not mad about this kiss, Love. Or the one before that, and I don't regret them either. But I'm mad, fucking furious, at you for continuing to stick by Rowan. After everything she's done to you and put you through, yet you follow her round like a lap dog. Why, Love?" He didn't realise he was screaming until he noticed the tears falling from Love's face.

Her lip trembled like a toddler's, before finding the right words to say. "Because at a point in my life, she was the only person I had." Guilt swarmed his insides and attacked them, it felt awful. He didn't think he could be any more mad at himself. He reached his arm out, grabbing her hand gently and bringing them up to his face.

"That's not true anymore." He whispered. She embraced him tightly, letting the tears fall onto his hoodie. He stood there, soothing her as she cried through it all. She knew he was right, but she wouldn't admit it. Not yet. "Love, you'll always have me. And I won't let you get hurt anymore, I won't let anybody hurt you."

His fingers were in her hair, dragging across her scalp as her cries softened. She was more calm than she was a few minutes ago. Her tears had released every bit of exhaustion, sadness, and grief from the last two days. No matter how angry Justin got at her, she'd never hate him. He needed love, just like anyone else did.

"How about we go back to my place tonight? You need some rest," he mumbled quietly, worried she'll break again. Instead she looked up and smiled at him, her tears still freshly coated her face. "Sound good?" She nodded and walked alongside him out of the park.

"My car is at Paolo's." She mentioned, his arm around her shoulder as if to protect her from anyone and anything. He took her to his car, helping her into the passenger seat, before walking around to his side of the car.

"I'll drop you at my apartment, and I'll walk to it." He stated, starting his car. He was being so kind, like a friend should be, and she felt bad. Bad that she was dragging him along and he was obedient through it all. Instead of saying anything, she just stayed silent. She watched as the street lamps passed her, and soon enough she was on the doorstep of Justin's apartment.

"Make yourself comfortable, choose some of my clothes, find something to eat," he whispered to her, his hand gently placed on her back. "I'll be back soon, okay?" She nodded and opened the door, closing it behind her.

His apartment was fairly neat, the complete opposite to a typical teenage boy's bedroom. His bed was freshly made, no clothes strewn on the floor, everything was clean. She'd did as she was told, and made herself comfortable. She'd gotten a shirt from his closet, throwing it on. She had no appetite, so she'd laid in his bed. Exhaustion only hit her when she'd gotten comfortable, her eyes closing naturally and sleep taking her.

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