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Love had completely forgotten she where she was, what time it was, just completely focused on playing games. But as she felt her phone vibrate on her stomach, she'd snapped out of her bubble of solitude.

Rowan: Do you understand why I'm upset?
Rowan: Your friendship is not right.

What is the issue, Ro? Justin and I are JUST friends.

Rowan: Just? And you expect me to believe that...
Rowan: Meet me soon, please.

Love sighed at the weirdly quick change of attitude, but agreed nonetheless. She decided it was time to turn the PlayStation off and head downstairs, in search for some food. Her mom was home now, and she hadn't even heard her come in, and Rowan was eating lunch at the island.

"Oh, hey Love." Her mom mentioned, standing from the comfortable couch position she was in. Love had trailed into the kitchen, pulling open the fridge and grabbing an apple. "Is everything okay? I noticed you were playing video games."

"Yeah," Love mumbled, sitting at the island. "I'm going to meet Rowan soon, so I won't be back for a while." Her mom had nodded, smoothing Love's hair down before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Rowan: Meet me at Paolo's.

Love was dressed and sat in her car, building up the confidence to even drive to the cafe. There was no telling which way this might go; but it more than likely would be a bad day. Finally, she'd strapped herself in and began her drive to Paolo's. Stopping at a red light, she felt her phone vibrate. Pulling it out, it was a text from Justin.

Justin: I know I'm probably the last person you want to see or talk to right now, because of last night. I know it was a mistake. You and Rowan are together and I don't want to get in the way of that, so I won't say anything or talk about it. I promise. I hope you're okay.

He was right. He was the last person that she wanted to see or talk to, but only because she didn't want to face her mistake. She had no idea what had happened to her during that car ride. She loves Rowan and she knows it. And it didn't help that Justin was being the sweetest about it, it made it harder to be mad.

She arrived outside Paolo's, seeing the figure of her girlfriend in the window. Looking down at her mug and stirring the liquid with a wooden stirrer, Rowan watched Love enter the cafe. She didn't order anything, she just resided in the chair opposite her. A minute passed and nothing was said, so Rowan began to talk.

"What is going on with us?" Rowan asked, bringing the mug to her lips. She took a sip of the bitter beverage and returned it onto the table. Love stayed silent, there was no way to answer this question.

"Nothing, we're fine." She answered vaguely.

"Clearly not," Rowan remarked. "We were doing so well and now we're not. Something is off." Love sighed, knowing the truth was close to spilling and there was nothing she didn't want more. It was now inevitable.

"You wanna know what's off?" She asked, not agitated by the interrogation. "I got really drunk at the party, and Justin offered me a ride home, so I accepted. And we kissed. Once, and it meant nothing."

Rowan paused. She didn't move a muscle, she stared down at her empty mug. Love was terrified of what Rowan might do next, there's no way she'd just smile and forgive. Not that she was expecting that.

"I knew it," She mumbled. "I fucking knew it." Love began playing with the strings on her shorts, wrapping them around her fingers. A trait she'd gained from her constant anxiety. Her hair was in a bun so the next best thing was her strings. "I told you a million times that Justin is bad news, he's just like the rest of the team, and you didn't listen. You never listen."

"I'm sorry." That was all Love could get out, as tears welled in her eyes. Rowan's features twisted horribly, a mix of anger and betrayal.

"Why don't you listen to me? I tell you things, but you ignore them and get yourself into a mess. Then you expect me to get you out of it, well it's not happening this time." Rowan demanded, standing up and leaving her seat. "Give me a few days, I just don't want to see you right now."

When Rowan left, that was when Love began to cry. She had nobody now. Her girlfriend didn't want to see her, but she didn't want to see Justin. Or did she? He is the only one that could comfort her at a time like this, she needed him so badly. She had no idea what she was doing, it's like she had no control over her body.

"Justin," she cried quietly, holding the phone up to her ear. She was now in the comfort of her car, doors locked and windows up. "I need you." Her seat was tilted back, as she curled up into it.

"What's the matter?" He asked. Justin wanted nothing more than to see Love and hold her, just to be with her. But it was a bad idea. That kiss could've ruined her relationship, and he didn't want to make her unhappy. The last thing he thought would happen today was Love calling him, crying for him.

"Rowan and I fought, I told her about the kiss." Love bawled, clutching her phone tightly. Justin sighed, and she heard it through the phone. Even he knew she fucked up. But Justin was mad at himself for letting it happen, for being a part of it.

"Love," Justin spoke quietly, leaving his kitchen. He was attempting to make himself a dinner, like Love taught him. "I think it's best you go home and get some sleep. I don't think we should see each other right now."

"Please, Justin." Her voice small, making his heart break a little. "I need you." That was all he needed to hear. He abandoned his dinner, safely turning off the stove and grabbed his keys to find her.

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