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It had been a few days since Justin's arrival, and it had gone from spending all day with him, to catching him only during classes they shared. After all; he was so busy with tryouts and had his own group of friends. They would sit together at lunch some days, until Rowan appeared, and they'd break off together.

Love had just left her Modern Studies class and made the switch of books at her locker, her tall, new friend spooking her as she closed her locker. "Hey, Justin! I've barely seen you today."

"I have good news." He crowed, holding a clear uniform bag. It was obvious what the news was, but she let him tell her anyway. "I made the team, they wanted me on before the game next week." She giggled and embraced her smiling friend.

"I'm so happy for you, I told you that you didn't need any luck." She congratulated, walking alongside him as they went to find their sociology class. He rambled on about what the coach said and about the game coming up, but Love barely paid attention. It was sweet how happy he was about making the team, but Rowan's glare from her Geography class made her shiver. She was happy only when Love was with her, but if she was seen with Justin, she was as good as single.

They'd been fighting a lot over the past few days, Rowan furious that she'd rather spend time with the team, who harassed her last year, than her. But as soon as Love would get defensive, Rowan would apologise and the cycle continued. As easy as you'd think it is to break out of the cycle, it was definitely difficult. She had so much love for Rowan, and the good outweighed the bad in the bigger picture. But was it worth it?

She sat down in her sociology seat, Mr Rosen was late, so it gave everyone time to finish their conversations. Justin has stopped talking about his new team, and was pulling his notebook from his bag. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah." She replied bluntly, but Justin saw right through her. All he had to do was shoot her a look, and she'd spill. "Rowan issues." Justin confirmed and grinned at her.

"That bad, huh?" He asked.

"To the point where I can't even sit with you at lunch." Justin rolled his eyes. He'd never really had a jealous girlfriend, not to this extent at least, but he definitely had his share of relationship issues. He didn't want Love to have personal issues that stemmed from a toxic relationship, but it's hard to break out of one.

"Have you tried reasoning with her?" He questioned. His elbows on the table but his head facing her. She nodded with a look of disappointment in her eyes. "And how did it go?"

"She's never gotten jealous of a boy. It's always been girls that I've been friends with, but now that I'm friends with a boy, she's jealous. Any friend I have, she ends up breaking the friendship apart so she can have me to herself." She explained. "She has her own friends, in every class, and she's giggling with them all in the lunch line. But me? No way, I have to be entirely hers."

"That sucks, I'm sorry, Love." He apologised. Not that he had anything to apologise for, but she was in a terrible situation. She still put up the front that she was a delightful, well dressed young woman, but as you'd get to know her, you'd see her issues and her struggles.

"It's fine. We're just having a rough day today." She once again made an excuse for Rowan's selfishness. Luckily, Mr Rosen had began talking, so it cut their conversation off. Justin could barely focus on the class work, as he would occasionally look over to Love, who sat there completely disheartened, scribbling the words onto her page. She wasn't giggling and smiling, looking over and Justin's page as the slides were going too fast. She wasn't Love anymore, she was completely different.

School was out, the cold weather shocking Love as she left the double doors. Today she'd chosen to wear pants, instead of a skirt, but she was barely warm. Almost running to her car, she was stopped by Justin.

"Hey, Love." He called out. She turned to see him jogging up to her, as she opened the door to her Jeep. "Do you think I can have a ride home?" She nodded immediately, looking around for Rowan. Who was nowhere to be found. Justin had gotten into the passenger seat, as Love started her car.

"Just type your address in," she instructed, handing her phone to him. As he searched for his home, she started the car and warmed it up, rubbing her hands on her thighs to warm up. As the heater hit her face, she sighed in content. Her phone was propped in its holder, and she began her journey to his home. "Shall we stop for coffee?"

"Sure." He answered. "My old town had a good coffee shop, it's a shame I couldn't bring it with me." The pair chuckled, no longer shivering as the warmth hit them.

"Where did you live?" Love questioned, hoping her question didn't make her seem like a stalker. Of course, he didn't have to answer but he did anyway.

"I lived in a town about an hour away from this one. Evergreen." He answered. "I know the move to Middlegate wasn't the biggest, but I'm not travelling an hour for coffee."

Evergreen sounded familiar, someone she knew had mentioned it to her before. She was rather forgetful, so she shrugged it off. "Are you sure your mom will be okay with you getting home later than usual?" She asked. Justin almost stopped to correct her, but decided to let her think that. Instead, he nodded and stared out the window. Admiring the beautiful town he'd moved into.

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