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"So when is the game?" Love questioned Justin, as they sat in their sociology class. Justin was flicking through his many pages of work, proud of himself for sticking to his personal goals, and landed on a fresh page.

As he scrawled the title down, she nudged him to see if he had heard what she said. "We spoke with the coach today, who said the whole team will face detentions. But the game is tonight." Which made perfect sense, as it would lead smoothly into the weekend. "Are you going?"

She nodded and smiled, the pain restricting her usual brightness. "I wouldn't miss it. Although I won't be running onto the field again." She thought about why she had done that. She could see a Tiger sneering at Justin, but she passed it off as game talk. Except Justin wouldn't lunge for him before the game even started, so he said something out of pocket. "What even happened?"

"I'll explain later." He mumbled, trying to keep quiet as Mr Rosen began talking. There was very little chances of them talking later. As this was their only shared class today. She knew Rowan would kick up a storm if she saw her sitting with Justin, but she didn't want to sit with the team. Maybe a FaceTime call later? But he had the game to worry about.

She'd made it through the day, without Rowan complaining at all. Rowan lightly kissed her bruised jaw, but then called her stupid for running onto the field. Now, she was in her car in total peace. The Tylenol worked wonders, as all she had was the bruise on her face, no pain at all.

Her mom, as usual, was cooking dinner. But instead of scrubs, she was wearing her loungewear. Furrowing her brows, she entered the kitchen to greet her mom. "Oh, my Love." Her mom cooed and stared at the bruise with concern. "Does it hurt?"

"Not right now, but when I open my mouth wide it does." Her mom laughed and turned to the fridge, pulling a large bottle out. It was a thick, deep red smoothie. "What is this?"

"It's your dinner." Her mom chirped, pulling more from the fridge. "I know you can't eat solids for a while, so these will fill you up. And you can take your dinner wherever!" She chuckled at her moms antics, sticking the straw into her mouth to suck out the berry beverage. It tasted pretty good.

"I heard the game was postponed till tonight, are you going?" As Love nodded, her mom had placed two plates onto the table for herself and Margot, who had come striding in. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"It's fine. I made the mistake of running into the field yesterday. And it won't happen again." Love informed her mom, taking another sip of her smoothie.

"Why did you run into the field?" Margot piped up, shoving her fork into her mouth. Her nine year old sister was adorable, she was full of energy and loved everyone she met, them loving her too. "Did you want to play football with them?" She asked.

Love giggled and shook her head. "There was a fight, and my friend had been outnumbered 5:1. So I thought I could help." She explained it more to her mom than to her sister, as she was so focused on her dinner. "I guess I forgot I would be going up against a bunch of athletes. Also, don't you have work?"

Her mom sniggered. "Shift changes, so I got the day off. I shouldn't laugh, but I pictured you taking down every single on of them." She'd finished her smoothie by now, and she felt awkward sitting and watching her family eat their dinner. It was like her mom purposely made her favourite dish whilst she couldn't eat it.

"I'm going to get ready for the game." Love mentioned, rising to her feet. She'd gotten to her room and found an outfit from her closet. Jeans, a shirt, and a green jacket. Justin's sweater laid by her feet, she picked it up and folded it, taking it with her to her car. "See you guys."

It felt nice driving. She always loved it. It was relaxing, peaceful, and you could have complete control of your music. The drive wasn't long enough, as she found herself in the school parking lot. Rowan was probably warming up, and the game didn't start for another 45 minutes.

As she walked through the school, she remembered what Justin said to her. "I want to see the biggest banner with my name on it." That could be arranged. She headed to her room, unlocking the door and flicking the light on. There was a large supply of art supplies in her room, as a lot of students found art therapeutic. She grabbed the large coloured cards, sticking them together and writing 'FOLEY #21' with a few hearts and smiled to decorate. Pleased with her art skills, she left her room and headed out to the bleachers.

But caught Rowan on the way out, as you had to pass the locker rooms. She was standing with a few of her girls before noticing the large banner in her hand, rolling her eyes at the surname plastered on it. "Babe, you spelt Duval wrong." Her girls laughed.

"You're not meant to cheer for the cheerleaders. You're meant to cheer for the people playing." Love retorted, ignoring her girlfriend and walking out to find a seat. The boys were still in the locker rooms, so she'd waited patiently for the game to begin.

Both teams were announced, and as Justin scanned the crowd, he could see the large banner with his name on it. The smile wouldn't leave his face, he could see Love holding it up and cheering for him as he played. But Monty was hunting Justin the entire game, whether he had the ball or not. They'd tackle him and wasted their whole opportunity on getting to him. The buzzer had sounded, indicating half time, and instead of using his water break, he ran inside.

woman like me - j.f✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon