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It was the day of the big game. She'd not seen Justin this morning, but texted him good luck before heading to school. It was beginning to warm up outside, today being a particularly sunny day. So she'd worn her skirt.

She hadn't told Justin what the matter was last night, she'd had her tea and was ready to fall asleep. So he'd wished her a good night and headed home. They'd kept a lot from each other, being friends for a month now, they should know a lot about each other. But they didn't. And she wished to change that, except her girlfriend was so very strict.

"Love, are you coming to watch me tonight?" Rowan chirped, appearing at her girlfriend's locker. Love nodded and pulled her Literature book from her locker. "What's up?"

"Nothing." She muttered. "I just want to be alone." Rowan would never let Love just leave in peace, there would HAVE to be an argument of a public humiliation of some sort before she could make her exit. She almost thought she'd gotten away with it, until she heard Rowan's whiny voice.

"Alone? Or alone with Justin?" Eyes began to gather and stare at the couple, but Love was in no mood to deal with her today. Shoving her middle finger up, she continued to walk to her literature class. And today of all day's were exceptionally lonely. Without Justin. At lunch, he was at his usual table with the team, and they'd beckon her over. But she'd gone to sit on her own.

Justin didn't want to get Love in trouble, so he left her alone. But she was secretly hoping he would come and sit with her, keep her company, make her feel less lonely and vulnerable. She'd successfully made it through the day, the game a few hours after. She had time to drive home and change into something warmer for the evening.

"Hey mom," she called out. "I'm going to the game soon." With no response, she'd entered the kitchen and saw a note on the island.

'My Love,

I've left for work early. I know you have Rowan's game tonight, so Aunt Olivia will be here with Margot. She's cooking, but I love you so much and have fun.

Mom x'

Well that mystery has been solved. She'd gone to her room, searching her closet for a suitable outfit. She'd found her favourite co-ord, striped pants and a shirt. And had a jacket on over it. With the time it took to get ready, she was about to leave as her aunt arrived. "Hey, Olivia. How are things?"

"They're okay." She replied. "And how are you? Still with Rowan?" Love nodded, deciding not to get into details. She'd grown close with her aunt, who began appearing more during her sophomore year. Aunt Olivia related to Love's and her mom's pain, wanting to be more connected. "See you tonight."

She quickly embraced her little sister before getting into her car, driving to the game. Football games were always a difficult event for her, especially after the year she'd had before hand. It was hard to even step foot into the field. The bleachers began filling up, Love shivering in her seat as she waited for the teams to come out.

"Love!" She heard from below her. She turned her head to see Justin, by the doors leading out to the field, beckoning her over. She'd quickly gotten out of her seat and met with Justin, who noticed her shivering. "Do you want my sweater?" She nodded eagerly, taking her jacket off and pulling his sweater on, and her jacket over it.

"Good luck out there," she mumbled. The team began gathering behind him. The opposing team were about to be introduced into the field, by the commentator. She had gone back to her seat, staring down at Justin as his mood changed after the opposing team were introduced.

Liberty Tigers.

He jogged out, still breathing heavily from hearing the name. As he got into his position, he was head to head with Montgomery. If there was anyone he hated other than Bryce, it was this piece of shit. As Montgomery noticed him, a smirk appeared on his face. "Holy shit! Foley."

Justin ignored him, but Montgomery caught the attention of the rest of the team. It had been news to everyone for a while now, that he had disappeared, but nobody knew where to. And now they did. His plan was royally fucked.

"You just can't seem to hide," Montgomery shouted over his helmet. "We'll always find you." Justin's eyes averted to Love, who was cheering for him and waving eagerly. Monty noticed and prepared more ammunition to gun Justin down. "Is that your girlfriend? Does she know about what a dirtbag you were? Excuse me, are?"

Justin couldn't take it anymore, the game hadn't even started yet. The ball was nowhere in sight, but he tackled Monty to the ground and pulled his helmet off, throwing punches at his face. Monty's entourage had pinned Justin down, giving him the opportunity to get a few hits in. And Justin's knight in football uniform, Zach Dempsey, has come to his rescue. Separating them all. The Wolves had gone for Zach, assuming he had come to join in. And the fight ensued. The Wolves were attacking the Tigers, and vice verse.

Love saw the brawl as soon as it started, getting a head start from the teachers and rushing over to the rescue. But a 5'4 woman against a bunch of near enough 6'0 athletes was not a fair ratio. The Tigers were attacking any spot of green they saw, shoving Love down to the ground. On her way down, another Tiger had thrown a punch, intended for the Wolf she'd fallen in front of.

Her jaw had clicked out of place, she clutched it and groaned loudly in pain. After the teachers had broken everyone apart, a tall, black haired boy from the opposing team had helped her up. "Are you okay?" She heard, but it was muffled. Her ears were ringing, and her vision became hazed from the pain.

She was escorted off of the field by this Tiger, and taken with the security men by the doors to the locker rooms.

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