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Days had passed, homecoming only a week away. Love hadn't thought about her dress yet, Rowan hadn't suggested anything about shopping or any matching ideas. In fact, Rowan hadn't spoken to Love for most of the day. Every time she'd pass her girlfriend, she'd get a deathly stare.

It wasn't until after school when Love had finally approached Love during practice, the football team close by to hear their every word. Love waited for them to finish their routine, before pulling Rowan to the side. She still wore her devilish glare.

"Ro, why have you been avoiding me?" She asked, biting her lip anxiously. "Did I do something wrong?" Yet another one of Love's flaws, she saw herself as the issue, always. Even Justin had called her out about it before.

"Just leave me alone." Rowan demanded quietly, not wanting to cause a scene. Love wouldn't take this answer, so she stood in the way of her as she turned to leave.

"What did I do?" Love questioned again, this time more defensively. Her arms folded and a stern look on her face. Rowan just sighed, not needing nor wanting this right now. But of course, Love wouldn't give up. She wouldn't stop until she figured out the issue. It was then that Rowan had snapped.

"You want to know what's wrong?" She asked, her voice raised. She'd gained the attention of the whole team and the cheer squad. "I've given you chance after chance, warned you about your little boyfriend. You went behind my back and kissed him, yet you still choose to hang out with him! Surely you'd think to yourself that you shouldn't be around him. I don't know what's going on between the two of you, but it needs to stop."

Love felt embarrassed. Rowan was right, completely and utterly right, but she didn't have to publicly shame her for it. Her knees buckled, she felt lightheaded; but she mustered up the strength to leave. She'd left the field they were training on and ran to the parking lot. Her car acting as her home base, she locked the doors and burst into tears. She felt her phone vibrating, and as much as she wanted to ignore it, she couldn't.

Rowan: You'll have to find yourself another homecoming date, because I'm going with the girls.

That was the icing on the cake. Love left the parking lot, driving out of the school grounds and over to Paolo's. Love couldn't even feel bad for herself, she knew she made a mistake... twice. But surely when it happens again, it's no longer a mistake.

Love ordered a vanilla latte, sitting in her and Justin's usual spot. The silence, well the coffee shop chatter, was comforting. She felt like she didn't deserve anything nice anymore, but this was nice. It drowned out the voices telling her how horrible she was.

"Hey," a voice spoke. Love didn't need to look up, she already knew who it was. "How're things? Considering what just happened." Love sighed, sipping on her piping hot latte, and looking up to meet Justin's eyes.

"Horrible. I feel horrible. And now, there's no way I'm going to that dance. What a great senior year I'm having." Love could almost laugh. She remembered how sweet Rowan was when she asked her to homecoming, and all of the other sweet things she'd done. In doing so, it made Love feel worse. Justin reached his hand out to grab hers, his large thumb enveloping hers and smoothing it over.

"Well, we could always go to the dance together." Justin suggested, a cheeky smile placed upon his face. "I don't have anyone to go with. It's up to you." Love cracked a smile. There was something magical about Justin, and his ability to make her smile regardless of the situation.

"That would be nice, thank you." She croaked, giving his hand a squeeze before grabbing her latte again. "I have to head home now, lots of homework, but I'll text you later." Justin nodding along, he joined her and walked her to her car.

"I have work, but I'll text you when I get off. Be safe." Justin called out as she closed the door, watching her drive away. Love smiled to herself, thankful she had such a great friend. She should be feeling guilty, horrible, and mad at herself for what she did to Rowan. But Justin dissolved all of the negative feelings.

When she'd gotten home, she'd managed to complete her homework, have a warm bath, make some dinner, and be in bed rather early. All thanks to Justin. She'd checked her phone again, seeing a few more texts from her conversation with him earlier.

Justin: I'm starving.
Justin: Wanna get some food?
Justin: Your choice, my treat.

Pick me up in 5.

Smiling to herself once again, she'd pulled on a sweatshirt and some sneakers. As promised, Justin was out front waiting for her. And she'd gotten into his car as he drove to whatever fast food place they'd agreed on.

"Thank you," Love spoke, out of the blue, as they sat in the parking lot with their food bags. "For being so kind earlier, and now, and always. It makes me smile." Justin's heart began beating faster, blushing at her kind words.

"Love, I live to make you smile." He admitted. His thumb dragged along her cheekbone, as she threw a handful of fries into her mouth.

They sat in a comfortable silence, eating their food. They weren't worried about what time of night it was, the night felt young whilst they were together.

woman like me - j.f✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora