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3 years ago

"Hana, you're going to be late for your graduation!" Your brother knocked on your door harshly.

You groaned as he opened the door giving you a stern look. Throwing a pillow at him while he protested. "You know dad and mum would have wanted to see you graduate, so get your lazy ass up!" He pulled down your blanket leaving you shivering in the morning cold.

"Alright alright ! Jaehyun get out!" you tossed another pillow at him but he had already slammed the door shut.

" It's Oppa to you!" He shouted just as the door closed.

"God why do I have to do this." Exasperation evident in your voice, you got ready.

You had gone to school for graduation as planned, taking those cheesy photos and having it framed just as your parents would have wanted. They died when you were a kid so you were left alone with your brother and grandmother who took care of the both of you, until she too passed away last year leaving Jaehyun and you alone.

By that point the both of you did enough odd jobs to secure yourselves your own cramped flat in a not so great part of town but It was something at least. We were always poor, and Jaehyun didn't have good health. It was a struggle to constantly meet ends meet as a high school student but luckily you were graduating finally. You could look for better jobs and honestly you wanted to quit school altogether but your brother Insisted for you to continue your education.

He however left school the minute things were not looking too bright, as the older sibling he felt the responsibility to keep the family of two afloat and started working numerous odd jobs just so you could continue your education. Even with his evident sickly self, he did everything for you.

Everyday you would beg him to take a break as exhaustion started becoming evident on his features, but he would just ignore you.

Until one day things changed.

And unfortunately that day was today.

Returning home from graduation, something didn't seem to feel right. You couldn't help but start picking up the pace, running to your flat, up the numerous stairs until you saw a familiar back facing you. You smiled. It was your brother, you could recognize those wide shoulders and built anywhere. However, as you were about to shout for him, he suddenly collapsed on his knees right then onto the cold floor right in front of your eyes.

Your once joyous expression morphed into one of shock and confusion. That was before you saw a man with a black cap pulled down over his eyes. You took slow leaded steps towards the situation and that's when you saw a knife buried in your brothers abdomen.

It was like time stopped for you.

You couldn't hear anything, like a silent movie you screamed and shouted his name but nothing came out, dropping your graduation frame as it shattered upon contact with the floor. The man in the cap quickly ran away in the opposite direction, escaping through the fire exit before you had the chance to see his face. Your legs somehow brought you to your brother, his eyes already dead to the world. You fumbled your phone to dial the emergency number and somehow got the information through before you realized your hands were furiously shaking as you tried to touch the body, it was as cold as you imagined and just like that, your heart had frozen over.

He was all you had left.

And now he was gone from your life too.

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