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Kuroo's POV

Kenma was asleep again,I went out to go get some food,I got sushi like last time. When I got back to the hospital,Natsu ran up to me with a big smile on her face.

"Hey Kuroo! I've got good news! But I wanna tell you and Kenma together! Go wake him up!" She jumped excitedly and pushed me toward the room,making me almost fall over.

"Okay okay. Hang on." I went into Kenma's hospital room and shook him gently to wake him up. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"Hey kitten. Sorry to wake you. I've got some food for us and Natsu's apparently got some good news for you." I sat up slowly while wincing in pain so I helped him sit up properly so he was comfortable. I looked at him for reassurance and he nodded and I did the same back. I place the food on the table in front of him and walked out of the room to get Natsu.

"Hey Kenma! It's good to see you again! I've got some great news for you. There's a way we can help your lungs. I'm pretty sure you don't smoke,but if you do,you need to stop. There is medication and inhalers you can take on a daily basis to help your breathing,it opens up your airways so you can breathe better. Or,there's one last thing. This one is completely up to you...but we can get you on the list for a lung transplant. Or there is some other surgery's that will help you just the same. There's a bullectomy,which is when we remove a pocket of air front the lungs to make breathing easier and more comfortable,meaning you won't need the oxygen tube. Or there is lung volume reduction surgery,which is when we remove the most damaged part of your lungs,which makes the healthy areas of your lungs to work properly and again,make your breathing easier and a lot more comfortable,again,if you do this one. You won't need the oxygen tubes. It's completely up to you what you want to do. Obviously you don't have to decide right now,you have plenty of time to decide what you want to do so don't worry too much." Natsu had a big smile on her face and so did I,Kenma wasn't smiling but his eyes lit up as he heard what she was saying. Until I saw tears running down his cheeks.

"Woah! What did I do? Why are you crying?!" Natsu said with a worried expression.

"You didn't do anything,Natsu. I'm just happy. Thank you so much for not giving up. I appreciate it so much. I'll talk over it with Kuroo and I'll let you know what I decide. Thank you again." He wiped away his tears as he spoke and a small smile appeared on his face. I walked over to the side of his bed and held his hand in mine.

"There is one more thing though. If you choose one of the surgery's,they will cost. And all of them are quite expensive,the lung volume reduction surgery is the cheapest,and the lung transplant would be the most expensive,and it takes a while to get on a list for the lung transplant. But the good news is,you won't need any permission from parents as you're 18 so you don't need to worry about that. I know your parents aren't the best people ever." Natsu laughed nervously at the end of her sentence and I laughed slightly with her.

"Okay,thank you." Kenma smiled at her as she left the room.

"No worries! Enjoy your food!" She waved as she walked out and closed the door behind her.

"Any idea what you're gonna do?" I asked as I sat at the end of his bed,getting mine and his food out of the bags.

"Thank you. And I think the best option will be one of the surgery's if I'm honest. I know they'll be expensive,but if I'm just on medication and inhalers,I'll still need this tube thing up my nose and I'll have to be on them for the rest of my life and I really don't want that. But I'll never be able to afford the surgery..." he trailed off as tears tried to escape his eyes but he held them back.

"I'll pay for it kitten." I held onto his hand and his head shot up,looking at me with wide eyes as the tears finally fell.

"W-what? No! How could you afford it?" He said in between small sobs.

"Kenma,I love you and I know how much you hate being on oxygen. My parents have the money,I can say I need it for a volleyball trip abroad with the college. They'll give me the money with no hesitation. I'm not letting you stay on this forever,I know how much you hate it already so I'm not letting you stay like this for the rest of your life. I'll pay for it. And if my parents want the money back,I'll pick up a job and pay them back any chance I get. I love you Kenma,and I'm doing this,end of discussion." He shot forward and pulled me into a hug as his body shook with sobs. His face was buried in the crook of my neck as I stroked his hair with my free hand.

"I don't deserve you." His voice was muffled as he spoke but I could still make out the words.

"Come on kitten. I love you,okay? I'm going to help you anyway I can." He separated from the hug and I wiped away his remaining tears.

"I love you too,Kuroo. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being here...and thank you for choosing me when you could have anyone better. I'm so lucky to be able to call you my boyfriend." I smiled widely at him and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"It's okay,Kenma. And to me,there's no one else better in this whole entire world. You're the best I could ever ask for." I said while kissing his forehead,he smiled at me and I smiled back.

"I don't feel right using your parents money for it when they don't even know me...and I feel right about you lying to them about it..." Kenma said while looking at his lap. I put my finger under his chin and lifted his head to face me.

"If you don't want me to lie to them,I can tell them the truth about it,they'll give me the money either way. They're very nice people." I said with a small smile.

"Okay. I think I want to go for the lung volume reduction surgery. It seems the safest bet and there won't be a long waiting list. I think even if I chose the lung transplant,I wouldn't be able to get it because it would take forever for me to be able to get it done and it'll be way more expensive than the volume reduction surgery." He said with a sad expression.

"That's okay. If that's what you want to do,I support your decision completely. Do you want me to Natsu back in here?" I asked with a smile.

"How about we eat our food first?" He laughed slightly after what he said.

"Oh yeah,probably a good idea." I laughed slightly as well.

This was gonna be good,he would be okay. He wouldn't need that damn machine attached to him constantly. He'll be okay and hopefully he'll be happy. I want to make him as happy as possible. I love him so much and I don't want to see him in any more pain than I already have. He deserve better and I'm gonna give that to him.

End of chapter 20! Enjoy!

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