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Kenma's POV

I don't know how long I've been sat in this room,but it feels like forever. The same deafening silence and that feint beeping. Hinata hadn't come in since what happened and I was happy about that. He hadn't even said anything through the intercoms. It didn't bother me though,I didn't wanna see him or hear his voice. But I do wish these damn lights were on. My head was pounding from where I had been hit and leaning against this wall for hours was really doing a number on my back. My wrists were hurting from the zip ties that bound them. I couldn't get free of this. I know he would look,but how the hell is Kuroo actually gonna find me? I don't even know where we are...all I know is that I'm in a white room with one door and no windows. When I saw it,it looked kind of like a room that you'd find in a metal hospital. The walls looked padded and so did the ceiling. The door looked like it was built for a submarine. This was kind of like a panic room...where the fuck am I? Please get me out of here...please Kuroo.

Kuroo's POV

"Yeah...I do." My eyes lit up from hearing those words.

"Where?!" Me and Bokuto said in unison.

"There's an old burnt down mental hospital called Edan Castle. It's not that far from here. Hinata...Hinata used to have to go there for this exact reason...he's done something like this before but not ever gone this far...but that place burnt down when he was still there,he was one of the very few survivors...there was 5 people left alive from that fire. No one knows how it started but I always had an idea that Hinata set it himself,I don't know why he would though...that place was basically the only home he ever had. His parents disowned him hand they found out what was wrong with him,they just threw him in that place and left him there for good. Then the place burnt down and he was one of the only ones that survived. He came to live with me for a while because we've been friends since birth. But I'm telling you now,if he's got Kenma anywhere,it'll be there,that place has always been special to him. But I'm coming with you. I know that if you go in alone,you'll kill Hinata,no matter what,and I don't blame you after what he's done. But that's why I'm gonna come with you,I know he's not a good person,but he is still my friend and I do care about him,so I'm coming and I'll try talk to him." I took a step closer or Kageyama and grab his shirt,pulling his off the floor.

"Are you crazy?! You think you can negotiate with him? He's insa—" I couldn't finish my sentence before I felt a string pain in my stomach,I hobbled over and fell to my knees,I started coughing and blood was coming out...not this again. Not now!

"Kuroo?! What's wrong? What's going on?!" Bokuto rushed to my side,putting a hand in my back.

"I-I d-on't k—know." I managed to get out in between coughs and more blood.

"We need to get you to a hospital." Akaashi added.

"NO!" I shouted as even more blood came spewing out of my mouth.

"That's not happening,not while Kenma is with that freak! I'm not gonna worry about me hand I don't even know if he's alive or not! We're going to get Kenma,then we'll worry about me." I managed to stand myself up,with Bokuto making sure I didn't fall over.

"Are you serious? You're in no state to help Kenma like this. You won't—" I cut of Bokuto as soon as I heard those words.

"I DONT CARE! I don't care if I fucking die...as long as we get Kenma back,I don't care what's going on with me. We need to make sure he's safe before we do anything else,and i mean it. I'm not going anywhere other than that asylum." I wiped away the remaining blood from my mouth with the back of my hand. I saw the blood on the floor and maybe there was something wrong and maybe I should get it looked at but I can't leave Kenma with that guy for any longer...

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