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Kenma's POV

I woke up with Kuroo led at the end of my bed,resting his head on my legs,using them as a pillow. I blushed slightly at the sight of this giant man led in the same bed as me,and I couldnt help but laugh at the fact that half of his body was hanging off of the bed and he looked like he was about to fall off but it also looked like he was gripping onto the end of the bed for dear life,even though he was asleep. I laughed a little bit more at the sight but I held back as much as I could as I didn't want to wake him,I wanted to bask in this beautiful sight for a little while longer.

It had been at least another 15 minutes and I was now playing a game on my phone as I had been for the past 10 minutes,I constant kept looking over my phone to see if Kuroo was still in that position. I could barely feel his head on my legs anymore,even though I knew it still was because I hadn't felt him move in the slightest,but I couldn't really feel it there anymore because i was just kind of used to it being there,so much so that sometimes i would reach my hand down and start stroking his head and running my hand threw his smooth,spiky hair. I wouldn't do it for a long time as my arm would start to ache and I didn't wanna do it too much and have him wake up because of me. But how I do wish he was further up and led on my chest rather than my legs...oh no...what am I saying? I barely know this guy...snap out of it Kenma...

It had now been 30 minutes of me just peering over my phone to see that beautiful sight at the bottom of my feet. But just before I was to look over to him,I heard groaning and I looked over to see that his hand was slipping from where he was holding on,I quickly shot up and grabbed his arm as firmly as I could without hurting him or letting him fall on the floor. I managed to keep him up but it was good that he woke up from the sudden jolt of movement. He looked up at me with a confused look and I just looked at him with a strained face as I tried to keep him from falling to the ground.

"Sorry Kuroo!" I exclaimed as I couldn't keep him up any longer. He was still half asleep so he didn't have any time to react and just fell flat of the floor,there was a loud thump as Kuroo hit the floor and it really sounded like it hurt as he landed on a hard hospital floor straight onto his back.

"ARGH!" I heard Kuroo scream in agony as he hit the floor.

"Oh my god!! Are you okay?!" He said nothing,he led there shaking his head and shutting his eyes tightly. I quickly pressed the call button on the machine to get a nurse or doctor in here. As I frantically pressed the button over and over again,I kept looking at him and I saw blood on the floor under his head,he must've hit his head when he fell. Oh no...this is all my fault,I shouldn't have dropped him..oh god..I hope he's gonna be okay. As I waited for the nurse to come in,I quickly got out of bed,somewhat forgetting about all the pain I was in. I grabbed the pillow from my bed and quickly put it under Kuroo's head to try and elevate his head and stop the bleeding coming from the back of his head. I couldn't bare to see Kuroo like this and know that it was my fault that he was like this.

A nurse finally came into the room and told me to back in my bed. She picked up Kuroo as well as she could and put him in the chair that's been sat next to my bed since I got here. She looked at the back of his head and there was a small cut on his head,but it was bleeding a lot for how small it was.

"What happened?" The nurse asked.

"Oh,umm...he fell asleep on my bed last night and he was hanging off the bed when I woke up but he was still asleep so I left him there for about 30 minutes before I noticed that he started to slip,so I quickly grabbed him and held him from falling for as long as I could before I couldn't hold on anymore and I ended up dropping him and he rolled onto his back and he screamed in agony and he must've hit his head because it started bleeding and yeah...it was my fault,please make sure he's okay.." I say the last bit quite shyly but the nurse reassured me

"He'll be fine. It's a small cut,just needs some stitches,which I can do right now. So don't worry too much, we might have to shave his head though." I looked at her with wide eyes.

"No! You can't do that! He'd kill me and you and go crazy! You can't shave his head,not even a little bit,so don't. Please,he'd hate it." She nodded and just got the needle and thread. I may not know him very well or for that long but I could tell that he really liked his hair,even if it did look like he had just gotten out of bed no matter what he did. He told me that last night and it made me laugh. I'm glad he's gonna be okay and it's only a few stitches otherwise I don't know what I would've done if it was really bad. He was so nice to me and I really didn't like seeing him like this. He wasn't awake,he was passed out from the blow to the head he had gotten. The nurse started stitching up his head carefully while I watched intently. I was bouncing my leg up and down while watching Kuroo get stitched up. She finally finished and she brought in a gurney from outside the room and another doctor to help lift Kuroo onto it so he could lay down and rest for a while.

It had been about an hour since they put Kuroo on that gurney and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I felt terrible about what happened to him,I would keep going over to his bed and stroking his hair. I had already given him one of my pillows as the nurse didn't. I only just realized that he was still wearing his shoes so I just very carefully took them off and put them on the chair in between our beds. I just sat up on my bed and I couldn't take my eyes off of him,he looked so peaceful and pretty,I wanted to go over there and cuddle into his chest but I regained from doing so as ivd only known the guy for like 4 days. But I hope to sleep in his arms one day...

End of chapter 4. These two are a lot more close together but oh well,this chapter kind of dragged out a bit but I've had this idea for a while now so I wanted to use it. Hope you enjoy!

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