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Kuroos POV

I had been at this college for quite a while now,I've made new friends,even if they can be annoying and such fucking dicks sometimes but they're good people nonetheless. I still play volleyball quite a bit,just not as much as I used too. But I still love the game,but I'm mainly focusing on my courses,I'm an english major and do economics and computer science as side courses. I've been enjoying it here,it's always a good place to be,unless I get partnered up with someone I hate for a project. My dorm is nice and have a cool roommate,who is actually one of my best friends. I'm glad I came here,it's amazing here...

My first class for today was econ,which would be good. I think we're supposed to be getting a new assignment today,I wonder what it'll be. I walked in,towering over a lot everyone as usual. People that don't know me are usually scared of me because of my height and just the way I look in general,but it doesn't bother me,I just smile at them and they quickly look away haha. I noticed someone say right at the back of the class,he had faded blonde hair with black roots and was playing on what I could only guess was a game boy. But there was something about him,it looked like he was...crying. I didn't wanna go up to him because I have no idea who he is and I didn't wanna scare him or make him uncomfortable so I just headed to my seat feeling terrible about not doing something for the poor guy. Maybe I'll talk to him later. I sat in my seat and went on my phone while we all waited for the professor to show up. After about 5 minutes he finally did so I quickly put my phone away and payed attention to the teacher at the front of the room. But I couldn't help but look back at that poor kid and wonder what's wrong with him. I wanted so bad to do something for him but I don't think I'd be much help.

Time skip•
It was now the end of the lesson and I saw that kid walking out of the room with his head down walking fast,I think he wanted to be alone so I didn't follow him to try talk,I just let him be,I'll try talk to him when he looks a bit better. But it seems like I'm the only one who noticed this guy. He was considerably shorter than me and seems very antisocial so I don't think he has many friends and he doesn't exactly stand out,apart from maybe an easy target to beat up and pick on.

I was on my way to my english class when I looked out one of the big windows showing us the garden of the college...but I didn't see a beautiful garden,instead I saw 4 guys surrounding that guy from econ and punching him. I quickly ran out of the building to go help him,by the time I go there,the kid was on the floor getting the shit kicked out of him.

"How'd you like that freak?!" I heard one of the guys shout.

"Yeah faggot!" One of the other guys shouted and laughed as he continued to kick him.

"HEY!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Leave him the fuck alone." The guys tried to get to me next.

"And what the fuck are you gonna do about it? This your boyfriend?" A guy with short black hair said while looking down at the kid and laughing.

"No,I don't even know the kid. But leave him alone before I do to you what you just did to him..." I said in a calm and angry voice with a sadistic smile in my face. They backed away and looked scared,they had to look up at me because of my height,which was good because it meant that I was that much more intimidating to them.

"Whatever." They walked away but not before spitting on the kid. And saying...

"Fucking fag." Which made my blood boil. Before they could get any further,I kicked one of them in the stomach with ease...making him fall to the ground holding his stomach,the other guys tried to come at me again but quickly backed away when they saw the look on my face. I wasn't fucking around and this would be a fight they would certainly not win. They picked up their guy and quickly left.

I went over to the kid curled up on the floor with blood coming out of his nose and mouth,his face was emotionless but there were tears running down his cheeks. I picked him up carefully and proceeded to take him to my car to get him to the hospital for the treatment he needed. Luckily the hospital was only about a 5 minute drive from Nekoma college.

"Hey kid,can you tell me your name?" I thought I would make conversation to maybe distract him from the pain. He was bruised all over his face,one of his eyes was swollen shut and I can't imagine the amount of bruises that would be all of his back,stomach and chest.

"Kozume Kenma...call me—ARGH!" He screamed out in agony while holding his stomach.

"Okay okay okay. I'll ask you later Kozume." I speeded up to get it the hospital as quickly as possible.

We finally got there and I rushed out the car and quickly but gently picked up Kenma from the back seats of my car and brought him into the hospital yelling.

"Help him! Please!" Nurses and doctors quickly came over to me with a gurney to put Kenma on. I gently placed him down as the nurses spoke.

"What happened to him?" She asked.

"He was beaten by 4 guys at college,I don't know how bad he is but he certainly doesn't look good. Just help him please. I'll be waiting here for the news." I said as the other nurses and doctors took Kenma to an operating room.

"Okay,what's his name?" She questioned.

"Ummm,Kozume Kenma I believe. I don't know the guy,I just scared off the bullies and brought him straight here." She nodded and went off to the reception desk as I sat down in a free chair waiting for Kenmas operation to be over.

I couldn't believe that he even needed surgery. I didn't think it was that bad but apparently so...I just kept seeing that image in my head,it was burnt into my brain at this point. Him just laying on the floor,almost lifeless and those fucking dicks spitting on him. Seeing that again...I quickly got up and punched the wall behind me. I didn't even know the guy but what they did to him,was disgusting. They need to be taught a lesson. And after seeing that,I am never leaving this kids side during college. There's one more thing that I keep looking back on,how when he was almost passed out and bleeding on my back seats,he just managed to mutter out a "thank..you.." Did he just expect me to do nothing? Has this happened before and people have seen but have done nothing? What the fuck has been happening to this guy all this time?

So yes,this is the first chapter! I hope you like it. It's a bit sad at first and it will be quite sad sometimes but it will get better eventually. I know I never finished my other book with Aizawa and my OC,and that I take FOREVER to update it,but I'm running out of ideas for that story but I have quite a lot of ideas for this one,so I hope you guys like it because I certainly like writing it!

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