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Kenma's POV

It came to the end of the school day for Kuroo and I. He insisted on picking me up from my last lesson and I didn't object. So he got me from my last lesson and we both walked to the gym together.

"So...are you excited?" Kuroo looked at me with a wide smile.

"I guess. It'll be nice to play for a team again if we get in,that is." I shrugged in disappointment as I didn't want to think about not getting in,it would be a great opportunity and I would actually really enjoy playing with Kuroo.

"Hey! Don't talk like that! We're gonna get in!" Kuroo smiled widely again while putting an arm around my shoulder,making me blush slightly. I wasn't sure why I blushed,I've hugged Kuroo quite a bit since meeting him but it made me blush when he put an arm around my shoulder? It made no sense. Did I like him..? I shook the thought out of my head for now,it wasn't the time to think about that,it was time to think about volleyball,I'd you wanna get in,you need to focus.

"Okay." I said simply and Kuroo ruffled up my hair.

We finally made it to the gym after what felt like hours of walking. I didn't like sports all that much,and I wasn't all that athletic either,but my friend from high school wanted me to join the volleyball team with him,so I did,as he was my only friend back then. I definitely didn't enjoy it back then,it was awful and no one on the team liked me,there was always too many people there for my liking,it triggered my anxiety,even more so when my friend just stopped talking to me. We were absolutely fine,but the next day came and he just stopped talking to me,I never got an answer as to why. I messaged him constantly and asked but I got bored after about a week of him not answering so I just left it at that. But this was gonna be different,at least I hope so.

"Ahhh! Kuroo and Kenma! Put your bags down and come here!" The coach shouted from across the gym,and we did so,we put our bags on the side lines and quickly went over to the coach.

"Alright boys. Everyone gather up!" Kuroo and I found out that the coaches name was Nekomata. But obviously everyone just called him coach. Everyone that was practicing different thing on the court quickly stopped what they were doing and jogged over to where we were stood.

"Okay,this is Tetsuro Kuroo and Kozume Kenma. Kuroo is a mid blocker and Kenma is a setter. They will be joining our team as of today. But they need to show us what they can do,so we're gonna have a little practice match. So I'm gonna split you guys in half and then everyone get on the court in your team." Everyone was so close to each other and I hated it,I'm as close to Kuroo as I could possibly be right now,it's like I was using him as some kind of shield from everyone else,as I stood close to Kuroo,he wrapped his arm around me,holding me in place,I guess he knew that I wasn't doing to well in this setting and was trying to calm me down. But it certainly did not calm me down that me and Kuroo weren't on the same team for this practice match. I had to go on a team with a bunch of strangers,one of them being like 6 foot 5 tall,which was fucking terrifying. He has lanky as hell and had short gray hair. I didn't think I would ever see anyone taller than Kuroo,so that took me by surprise. I walked over to our side of the court,hesitatingly letting go of Kuroo as he gave me a reassuring smile.

God I hated this...

Kuroo's POV

I could see how uncomfortable Kenma was with being on a different team from me,and I felt really bad for him,he had no idea who these people were and he is not good in this setting. I just hope that once he got into the game,everything would be okay and he'd calm down a bit. I did not want him to end up having a panic attack in the middle of all of this.

💫Serotonin💫KurokenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin