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Kenma's POV
I'm aware that I'm doing a lot of Kenma's POV but this whole chapter will not be in his POV
I'm in my old childhood room...why am I here? It's cold,there was only dim light in the room so I could barely see anything. I could here shouting. Mom? Dad? Is that you? What's going on?

"HES A HOMOSEXUAL FREAK! WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?! We did not raise to be like this!" It was my dad,he was shouting at my mom.

"I CANT DO SHIT ABOUT THAT! We didn't raise him like this but we did not raise him right either...he's fucked up because of us! Especially you! You're too hard on him! Not even letting him have friends? Are you insane?! So what if he wouldn't be completely independent?! If you wanted him to be normal,you shouldn't have locked him in a fucking box whenever YOU thought he did something wrong! The reason he is like this is because of us! We fucked his head up and now we can't do any thing about it! And beating him isn't gonna do anything either...it's gonna make him worse,so don't even fucking try it!" Mom? Was she...defending me? Why? She would never do that,she was just like dad...I don't remember this...did this actually happen..? What going on?!

"FUCK YOU! You don't fucking talk to me like that! He is my son and I do whatever the fuck I want to discipline him! And you.." I could here them as clear as day,they must've been in their bedroom. I heard metal hitting metal...his belt! No! Why can't I move?! I need to help her! MOVE! I was trying everything but I just stood there...

"NO! Please! NO! Leave me alone! S-stop...don't go near him..!" I could hear mom shouting and stuttering at dad. I heard big heavy footsteps coming towards my door. The door must've been locked because he couldn't get in straight away.

"Kenmaaaaaa...open the door. I just wanna talk to you. KENMA!" He got louder and louder as he banged on the door with his fist. I still couldn't move...why am I so weak? Do something! Any bring! For fuck sake! Just move! And still,nothing happened,I stood there,same position,same stupid look on my face as my dad burst through the door. Now I remember this...this was first night I ended up in hospital. My dad told the doctors that I fell down the stairs because I'm clumsy. My mom too,she had to come with me from the hits she had gotten from my dad too...

I only began to be able to move when my dad raised his belt to me,quickly bringing it down on me,over and over again. First it was leather,using it as a whip,and then the metal,bashing my face in. And just before he was about the throw the finishing blow. I jolted awake. Screaming...

Kuroo's POV

I was woken up quickly by Kenma screaming at the stop of lungs. He was screaming for help as he put his arms in front of his face. Tears streaming down his face. I quickly jumped out of my bed and went of to his. I went behind him and gently grabbed him.

"Hey! HEY! Calm down! It's me! Shhhhh...it's okay. I'm here,I've got you..." I got him to calm down after him struggling in my arms for a little bit. I was stroking his head and running my fingers through his hair and rubbing his back in circles to try get him to calm down,rocking back and forth while doing so,he just kept crying as he grabbed on tightly to my shirt. What the hell has happened to this poor guy? Can he ever catch a break? Because it certainly doesn't seem like it. I hated seeing him like this,he didn't deserve this at all...

After about another 15 minutes of him crying into my shirt,he finally got up and separated from the tight grip I had around him.

"I'm so sorry Kuroo..." he spoke quietly and gravely,probably from the crying.

"What are you apologizing for? You did nothing wrong Kenma." He shook his head at me while making no form of eye contact at all.

💫Serotonin💫KurokenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ