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Kenma's POV

I woke up with my head throbbing and I opened my eyes but nothing changed,it was still pitch black. I looked around frantically for any sign of light,but there was nothing but darkness. The silence was deafening...the only thing I could hear was my own breathing and a very feint beeping sound. Was this a nightmare? Was I in hospital again? Where's Kuroo? What happened to me?

I closed to my eyes,trying to remember what happened. I went through my whole day,and when I realized what happened,my eyes shot open,but still no light. I've been kidnapped...what the fuck?! Who did this?!

"HEY! Let me go! Who are you?!" I shouted as loud as I could,it hurt my throat.

"Ahhh,hello Kenma. I see your finally awake. How's the head?" A voice came out of some kind of microphone system set up in the room and I raised and eyebrow and put my hand to my head and felt something wet,I could only imagine it was blood. They must've hit me over the head to get me here...wherever here is...

"What do you want with me?" My voice broke as I tired to hold back tears.

"Awhhh,Kenma. Isn't it obvious? I want you all to myself,and now that I have you...I'm never letting you go." That voice...Hinata? What the fuck is wrong with this guy?! Where am I?! I'm scared...I need Kuroo...please help me Kuroo.

"What the fuck Hinata?! What are you doing? Is this seriously how you think it works? You kidnap me and I'm just magically supposed to love you? That's not how it works,you idiot! I will never love you! You're delusional,Hinata! You need to stop this!" The tears that were holding on so tight finally fell from my eyes,and my voice broke as my voice got louder. I was scared but I was also seriously pissed. I remembered that Kuroo wasn't doing well this morning,and that wasn't normal,he never got sick and he definitely wasn't supposed to be throwing up blood. Hinata did something to him to get him out the way...oh god,Kuroo...please be okay.

"oh,come now kitty...it's okay. I'm not delusional. I know you love me really,you just don't want to admit it." His voice was no longer coming from that intercom system. He was in the room,the door opened as a small sliver of light came through,stinging my eyes as I looked at. The whole room became filled with light when he turnt on the light. I couldn't help but look away slightly before slowly opening my eyes and seeing a short,orange haired boy right in front of my face. I tried to back away as far as I could,but it was no use,I was already backed against a wall,my hands were bound with zip ties and I somehow didn't realize that before.

"Hello Kenma...it's good to see I didn't hurt you too much." He kept getting closer to me but I couldn't move,his arms were around my waist,holding me close to his body. His forehead was on mine and his lips were getting closer to mine. I shook my head frantically,trying get him away from me. But it was no use,he grabbed my face with his hand and crashed his lips onto mine. My eyes widened and I refused to kiss back but he kept trying to get me to kiss him but I managed to push him off,making him fly backwards. I spat out his saliva that was still in my mouth and almost threw up at the image of him kissing me but I held it back.

"Fuck off Hinata! I don't love you! I love Kuroo and I always will!" I shouted at him and he put on a smug smirk.

"You'll regret that...and you will love me." He demanded as he walked again,turning off the light,leaving me in the darkness once again. Tears continued to fall from my eyes and I wiped away any remnants of his lips on my with my sleeve. How did I only just realize this? My shoes were gone,my jacket was gone,and my pants were ripped when they weren't before,almost half of them were completely ruined and torn up. What did this? And why was this happening to me? Why was he so obsessed with me? What did I do to deserve this..? Please help me Kuroo,please...

I know it's sad,weak and worthless that I depend on Kuroo so much,but I can't help it...he comforts me in ways I've never been comforted before. I know my parents would never even notice if I was gone,they never checked up on me and they've never loved me since they found out I was gay. Kuroo was the only one who cared about me enough to actually look for me,I know I could count on him to help me out of this...I just hope to god he gets me out of this.

Kuroo's POV

"What do you mean Kenma's been taken?!" Bokuto yelled as he picked me up off the floor.

"Hinata took him...he took him from me!" I shouted as I punched the wall next to me,more tears escaped my eyes as Bokuto pulled me into a hug and Akaashi joined in. I sobbed into Bokutos shoulder as I muttered some incoherent words.

"Kuroo...I understand that you're upset and it's completely understandable,but if you want to help Kenma,you need to calm down and get your words out properly." Akaashi separated from the hug and as he spoke,I began to calm down slightly,getting a hold of myself and sitting down on a bed that I was guessing was Akaashi's.

"okay...I know that Hinata hangs out with someone called Kageyama? I think that's his name. But I have no idea who that guy is or where his dorm is or where his classes or anything! Please tell me one of you knows him..." I hung my head in grief. What was happening to Kenma right now? Was he okay? Was he even alive? A thousand bad thoughts went through my head over and over again,until I was snapped out of it by Bokuto's voice.

"I know who he is. He was the star setter of Karasuno high school. He was on the same team as Hinata I'm pretty sure. My high school played them. I know where his dorm is because I know his roommate. Come on. Let's go." There was a least a glimmer of hope that we could find him and that was enough to get me going.

"Okay." Bokuto put his shoes on and Akaashi did the same before we walked out of there dorm and started heading to see this Kageyama guy. I had no idea who he was or if he would help,or even if he could. He might have no idea where Hinata could have him. But I'm not giving up,I will not give up on Kenma.

We made it to Kageyama's dorm and I knocked on the door. A kid,only slightly smaller than me,opened the door,he had short blue hair and was in his pajamas. He looked at all of us with utter confusion. I busted past him,into his dorm room.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" He scowled at me and I scowled right back,his expression quickly changed.

"Are you Kagayama?" I asked with no hesitation.

"Yeah..? What do you want?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm looking for Hinata. Apparently you can help us with that." I was slowly moving closer to him as I spoke and he was backing up as well.

"What do you want with Hinata? Wait...are you Kuroo?" Now it was me that was confused. How did he know me?

"How do you know my name?"

"Hinata was talking about you and a guy called...Kenma? I think. He was saying that he loves this Kenma kid and how he hated you,he apparently wants to kill you,he said he was actually gonna poison you...a-and kidnap...Kenma. Oh god...don't tell me he actually did it...he's always had problems,he's always been kind of delusional and he was taking meds for his problems,if he's done this,he stopped taking them. He's always been obsessive and possessive too...what has he done..?" He didn't seem shocked by what Hinata had done,he just seemed...worried?

"Do you know where he would take him?!" I said kind of loudly,I was growing more and more impatient by the second.

"Yeah...I do."

End of chapter 16! CLIFFHANGER!! HAHAHAH! Sorryyyy hehe. But nonetheless,I hope you enjoy this chapter,thank you for the people do actually read this story! Enjoy!

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