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Kuroo's POV

We had now been discharged from the hospital and we could go back to college. My car was still in the hospital parking lot so I drove us to school in there. When people saw my car at the college,they looked a bit confused as where I had been for the past 5 days,but it didn't bother me,but it seemed to bother Kenma that so many people were staring at us through the tinted windows on my car. We got to the dorms and we went to Kenma's first so he could get changed and have a shower.

"So where is your dorm room?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh,it's in the computer science dorms,that's my major." He said bluntly and calmly. Was he always this blunt at school?

"That's so cool! Lead the way kitten!" I said excitedly. He led the both of us the the computer science dorms and to his room,which was room 215.

"You can sit on my bed while I have a shower and get changed." I obliged,but instead of sitting down I led down on his bed,it was so comfortable and big! He had a double bed so it was nicer than mine,I only had single,which was an issue for me considering how tall I am,my feet would never stay on the bed and it would annoy the shit out of me. I think I need to invest in a new bed,probably.

"Why do you look like you're enjoying that bed so much?" Kenma questioned me.

"I only have a single so your bed is a lot bigger than mine and soooo much more comfortable!" I said the last part in a whiner voice while rolling my eyes.

"Why does someone who is over 6 foot only have a single bed?" Kenma raised an eyebrow at me and laughed slightly,putting butterflies in my stomach,as always...

"Because I don't don't have enough money to get a double so I've been trying to save up the money I do have to be able to get one because I don't think I can deal with a single very much longer." Kenma nodded at me as he walked into the bathroom with his clothes draped over his arm and locked the door,but not before saying something that completely caught me off guard.

"You can have mine if you want."
Excuse me?! Why the hell would he just give me his bed? What the fuck?! That's insane?!

"What?! Why would you say that?!" I shot up from the bed and shouted through the locked bathroom door.

"Well,I'm a lot smaller than you so I don't really need a big bed. So we can swap beds if you want to." I was so confused as to why he would do something so generous for me. I looked at the bed and that's when I noticed that there was another bed not too far away from Kenma's.

"Hey? Do you have a roommate?" I asked with a confused tone.

"Oh,yeah. It's Hinata Shoyo. He's the friend I was talking about at the hospital. We talk when we're in the same room,but around school,he seems to avoid me. I've waved to him around school before and he's just looked at me and walked straight past like he doesn't know me,it's like he doesn't wanna be seen with me around school,but oh well. We're alright when we're just in our room,we get along quite well." His voice was muffled because he was talking through a locked door.

"Oh,that's a bit harsh. Maybe he's not trying to avoid you,maybe he has a crush on you and he doesn't know how to talk to you in a public setting." I shrugged my shoulders as I led back down on his bed,and as the thought of someone liking Kenma went through my head,I got...angry? Upset? Sad? All of the above? Do I like Kenma? No...I've only known him for 6 days. I can't...can I..?

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