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Kuroo's POV

I woke up in my bed,only in my boxers,I looked down to my chest and saw Kenma sleeping soundly with a quiet snore. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep,I couldn't help but watch him...wow...that sounds creepy...

I smile crept on my face as I looked at him,I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed my phone from my bedside table,being careful not to wake up the sleeping kitten on my chest. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light coming from my phone,I saw a message from Bokuto.

Hey hey hey! I came into our dorm this morning and saw you asleep with some small guy,just saying...that's adorable and I'm happy for you,I'd like to meet this guy when you both wake up. Alsooooooo...GET IT KUROOO!!

haha,sorry you had to see that but thanks for not waking us up. You'll definitely get to meet him,you can just come to the dorm,we've been out once today so I don't really feel like going out again but you come by the dorm later,bring Akaashi with you. I'll let you know when Kenma is awake,that's his name by the way,Kenma. Alsooooo...SHUT UP BOKUTOOOOOO!!

I laughed at Bokuto's first message he sent me...and of course,my phone fell out of my hands and fell straight on my face,making me groan in pain.

"Owwwww..." I said while moving my phone and away from my face and rubbing my face gently,when I felt something wet...I pulled my hand away and saw blood,I felt around my face and realized the blood was coming from my lip. My lip cut open just from that? Seriously..? That's when I felt a shift on top of me and heard a groan.

"Kuroo..? You okay..?" I heard Kenma say sleepily.

"Huh? Oh,yeah. I'm okay,just dropped my phone on my face and now my lips bleeding." He lifted his head up to look at me and his eyes widened slightly.

"Kurooooo..." he whined.
"Come on,come with me." He regretfully got off of me and pulled me towards the bathroom. He sat me down on the counter and got out the first aid kit. Why did it feel like we were doing something like this everyday?

I hissed as he put an alcohol wipe to the cut on my lip,he just giggled and shook his head and I gave him a frown and a pout. After he was done with my lip,I gestured for him to turn around so I could take a look at his back. His cuts had scabbed now and his bruises had started to heal.

"They're all starting to heal now,do they still hurt?" I asked as I brushed over them carefully.

"Yes,but not as much." He didn't flinch under my touch so that was a good sign,and he didn't wince in pain either. I pulled him closer to me and kissed gently down his back,making him shiver and close his eyes. He put his hands in my hair from behind him and his fingers were getting tangled up in it. I turnt him round to face me and put my forehead against his.

"How did you sleep kitten?" I asked quietly so he was the only one able to hear me.

"I slept good for once,thanks to you. You really help me Kuroo,thank you. How about you?" I smiled at his response and started playing with his hair.

"I slept good as well. Oh,umm...how was it? I didn't hurt you,did I?" He cupped my face in his hands and smiled at me.

"No baby,you didn't hurt me. It was amazing,I'd love to do it again sometime." He smiled with a slight blush on his cheek but he spoke calmly as ever as I turnt as red as my volleyball uniform,trying to hide my giant ass smile from him and he giggled and backed away from me with a smile and I returned it.

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