60- Surprise Surrogate

Start from the beginning

Jungkook followed suit and started to dress as well, making sure to be quick so Taehyung wasn't ahead of him. He finished clasping the front of his corset just as Taehyung put his shoes on, the elder marching towards the door in a huff. Jungkook grabbed his wrist and jerked Taehyung back into his arms. "Don't do anything rash, please," Jungkook pleaded as Taehyung glared at Jungkook over his shoulder. "You let my mother kiss you... Y- You let yourself be with someone else..." Taehyung whispered, trailing off as he remembered that he'd done so not too long ago as well.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook whispered, burying his head into the back of Taehyung's shoulder. "I didn't want it to happen, I promise. I was caught off guard, but I'll never let that happen again," Jungkook whispered into the heated skin of Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung sighed softly, dropping his fists as his body relaxed into Jungkook's arms. "Promise?" Taehyung asked softly, remembering how Jungkook forgave him for his mistake.

"I promise," Jungkook whispered once again and Taehyung could feel something wet against his back. Taehyung quickly turned toward Jungkook to see tears in the latter's eyes that Jungkook immediately wiped away on his own. "Koo, w- were you crying because you thought I'd leave you over that?" Taehyung asked as he tenderly wiped under Jungkook's eyes as well. "I wasn't crying," Jungkook answered in a shaky voice riddled with emotion. Taehyung sighed softly before gently pecking Jungkook's lips and rubbing Jungkook's cheek with his thumb. "I forgive you. So please quit beating yourself up over this," Taehyung whispered as Jungkook nodded slightly and buried his face in Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung rubbed his hand up and down Jungkook's back tenderly to calm the younger, smiling to himself that Jungkook at least cared whether Taehyung was upset or not now. After several moments, Jungkook lifted his head as Taehyung gently wiped Jungkook's eyes for him. "Why are you still crying?" Taehyung asked softly, cupping Jungkook's face. Jungkook sighed softly as he placed his hand tenderly over Taehyung's hand and leaned into the elder's touch. "I'm sorry. I- It was the anxiety... H- Here recently, everything involving you makes me anxious," Jungkook confessed softly, drying his eyes the rest of the way.

Taehyung chuckled as he kissed Jungkook's nose and ruffled his hair playfully. "Don't let me make you anxious, love. I want you to be happy with me, not terrified," Taehyung expressed as Jungkook laughed now. It warmed Taehyung's heart to see him laugh through this anxiety with him. Something Taehyung vowed to himself to stay by Jungkook's side to help with it. "I'm not terrified. I just don't want to lose you over something trivial. That's what makes me terrified. I don't know what I'd do if I lost the only person that's ever touched my heart like this," Jungkook admitted and kissed Taehyung tenderly. Taehyung smiled into the kiss as he leaned back in Jungkook's grasp slightly. "You won't lose me over every little mistake. If that was the case, I'd already be long gone," Taehyung noted as Jungkook laughed at their past. "I can't deny that. I've been an ass to you in so many ways," Jungkook admitted softly as they both laughed now. "Soooo, should we head back downstairs now? Your mom did say one of your best friends is here," Jungkook finally remembered as Taehyung's eyes lit up.

He rapidly tightened the strings of Jungkook's corset, cinching his waist tightly. Jungkook gasped slightly at how tight the corset was as Taehyung fastened the strings into a knot. Jungkook turned toward Taehyung and promptly grabbed his hand before they both headed for the door. They walked downstairs and towards the ballroom hand in hand as someone's voice stopped them by the door.

"How did you land yourself such a handsome man?" A familiar voice to Taehyung teased. Jungkook tilted his head at the petite redhead with chocolate brown eyes as Taehyung let go of Jungkook's hand to hug her. "Savannah! It's been so long," Taehyung exclaimed as the girl hugged Taehyung as well. Jungkook cleared his throat as Taehyung smiled and pulled away from the girl. "Savannah, this is my fiancé, Jungkook. Jungkook, this is my best friend, Savannah. She was the one that pointed out that I needed help or I was going to kill myself with all the drugs I was doing," Taehyung explained as Jungkook nodded slightly. He extended a hand towards her with a pleasant smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he stated, waiting for her to shake his hand. She stared at his hand for a moment before laughing and pulling him into a hug. "Nope, you're family now so you get a hug. But it's a pleasure to meet you too," Savannah added, releasing an anxious Jungkook as he glanced at Taehyung.

Although Taehyung didn't seem bothered by it at all as Jungkook visibly relaxed around them. Savannah smiled as she noticed Jungkook relax, her brain suddenly remembering something. "You said, fiancé. The ring! Let me see the ring," she exclaimed excitedly as Taehyung held up his left hand. She hastily gripped Taehyung's hand, inspecting the ring with a gleam in her eyes. "It's gorgeous! Oh my goodness, he must have money! Do you have a brother? Or a sibling that's into females?" Savannah asked excitedly as Taehyung and Jungkook both laughed softly.

"Sorry, I don't come from money," Jungkook admitted honestly, realizing why she was one of Taehyung's best friends. She reminded him of Jimin and Yoongi with all the questions as he couldn't help but chuckle again. "Tae's mom was holding onto that for him and gave it to me to present to him," Jungkook explained to her, watching her pout. "Boo~ I thought it'd be some romantic story about you working hard to obtain the best for him," she joked, playfully pushing Jungkook in his arm. He felt his head reel but managed to catch his balance again.

"Well, hey, do either of you want to dance?" Savannah invited, smiling cutely, and giving them puppy dog eyes. Taehyung laughed loudly as he pushed Savannah towards Jungkook. "He knows how to dance! Go impress her with your dancing, Kookie," Taehyung insisted, smiling as Jungkook laughed at his words. "I'm not here to impress everybody with my dancing," Jungkook laughed as Taehyung's parents approached them.

Jungkook fell silent as he averted his gaze, Savannah and Taehyung greeting Taehyung's parents with smiles. "Ah," Taehyung's mother spoke, pausing to give Savannah a quick hug. "So, Tae, did Savannah tell you?" His mother asked as Taehyung tilted his head innocently. His father refusing to make eye contact with either Jungkook or Taehyung. "Tell me what, Mama?" Taehyung asked softly, trying not to laugh at how uncomfortable his father appeared right now. Taehyung's mother placed her hand firmly on Savannah's shoulder as both of them smiled at him. "Savannah has agreed to be your surrogate mother, Tae. She'll carry your children for you two with no strings attached. We've already written up a contract and had it notarized," his mother explained excitedly, both Savannah and his mother cheering silently.

"She's read over it and signed it as well," his mother continued, smiling happily. "She knows that she has no legal right over these children once she has birthed them. They immediately go to you and Jungkook. She also is aware that she'll be having at least one boy and one girl," his mother added as Jungkook swallowed hard at those last words. He knew it wasn't always possible to have one girl and one boy in two attempts as he felt the room spin. He'd forgotten about the conversation about children and he was dreading becoming a parent because heaven forbid any one of them turn out like him.

Taehyung's eyes lit up as he nodded vigorously at the topic of conversation as Jungkook began to sweat. Taehyung glanced over at him and smiled as he spoke excitedly to Jungkook. Although Jungkook couldn't hear him over the roar of his own blood pounding in his ears. "I- um, what?" Jungkook asked, feeling light-headed as he glanced between each person. His breathing increased rapidly as he took shallow breaths to try and calm himself without hurting himself. He was suddenly feeling constricted by that corset and like he couldn't breathe as Taehyung's expression shifted to concern.

He said something to Jungkook once again, but Jungkook still couldn't hear it. Jungkook felt his knees grow weak as he gripped Taehyung's dress shirt to steady himself, but that was a mistake that he didn't even realize he'd made. Instead, Jungkook reeled backward, blacking out completely from lack of oxygen and dragging Taehyung down with him. Taehyung's eyes widened as he was yanked away from everyone and plummeting toward Jungkook. He wrapped his arms protectively around Jungkook's head to shield him from the hard and unforgiving marble below them.

The entire ballroom fell silent as Taehyung was helped to his feet by his mother and father. Although Jungkook remained unconscious on the floor as Taehyung knelt down beside him anyway. He didn't care about what anyone thought right now. He only cared about Jungkook and whether he was okay or not. "K- Kookie," Taehyung implored hesitantly, trying to shake him awake. Taehyung felt tears sting his eyes as he shook Jungkook yet again but still received no movement. "Jungkook," Taehyung called a little louder, shaking him harder until he realized that Jungkook wasn't breathing.

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