11- If I can't have you...

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Hello, everyone who still supports this story~❤ Please remember I love you lots~❤ I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter~ It has some violence and drug mention~❤ Please read at your own discretion~❤


Taehyung nervously lounged across from Jeremy, staring at the newly replenished teacup placed in front of him. "Drink it. It'll soothe your nerves," Jeremy coaxed as Taehyung continued to stare skeptically at it. He could hear Jimin and Jungkook beating on the door outside while it sounded like someone was heavily kicking the door, but Taehyung comprehended it wouldn't budge anytime too soon.

"U- um, Jeremy? Y- you said you kn- knew that I was paranoid earlier... H- how did you know that?" Taehyung implored softly, picking up the drink as Jeremy stared him into submission with his menacing eyes. Taehyung accepted a minuscule sip from this cup that had just been handed to him once more. Jeremy grasped the edge of the table tightly in his hands, Taehyung chewing his lip nervously as Jeremy's knuckles turned white with his overwhelming grip.

Taehyung was absolutely terrified about what Jeremy might do as he sat there, staring blankly ahead as he took another small sip. He watched as Jeremy stood up and sat down next to him, too close for comfort before positioning his hand on Taehyung's inner thigh. "I know a lot of things about you, Tae. I know that you easily become aroused. Like if I touch you here, you start to get hard. If I touch you here," he noted, shifting his hand to Taehyung's ear and massaging his earlobe gently. "It heightens your sensitivity or here too," he whispered softly, brushing his fingers along the side of Taehyung's neck. Right up against the most prominent vein- his carotid artery. "That one right there really heightens your sensitivity. It also appears to be bruised," Jeremy commented, moving closer to Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut at Jeremy's hot breath fanning out across his neck as he tried to listen to what Jeremy was saying. That had been the exact spot that Jungkook had marked on him earlier that day. It wasn't a bruise, but he wasn't going to correct Jeremy either. "P- please stop teasing me," Taehyung instructed, shoving Jeremy's hand away from his neck. He'd kept caressing that vein with his thumb and it was really starting to get to Taehyung. "How do you know these things anyway?" Taehyung asked softly, unnerved by how he would answer as Jeremy shoved him down hard.

Jeremy hovered over Taehyung as Taehyung tried to fight Jeremy away from him by shoving his open hands into Jeremy's face. Jeremy quickly grabbed Taehyung's slender wrists and slammed them down on either side of his head as Taehyung stared up at him in complete horror. "I've been watching you, Tae. Since the day you first spoke to me," he confessed, straddling Taehyung's thin waist now. Taehyung tried to fight his way back up into a sitting position, only to be overpowered and thrust back down severely. His head hit the floor hard and he felt it reel as he stared up at Jeremy with hazy eyes now. His vision became obscured and his body felt even heavier than before as Taehyung's subconscious drifted.

"No," Taehyung whimpered softly, understanding all too well what his body was experiencing now. He knew something was wrong with that tea before he even took a sip but he was only trying to get out of here by being acquiescent. "Y- you drugged me?" he asked softly, his words slurred as he started to feel woozy, his vision growing more faint. "Wh- why?"

Jeremy forcefully yanked on Taehyung's pants as Taehyung struggled to remain awake and stay dressed. "Stop it, Taehyung! I've wanted to be with you since the day you and I became seat partners, but you never wanted anything to do with me," he shouted in Taehyung's face as he slapped him severely in his rage. "You finally lose that precious virginity you'd been saving for someone you thought was special and it was the new guy?! Fucking seriously?! Him," he screamed as Taehyung whimpered softly and turned his head away in fear. Jeremy's large hand harshly grasped Taehyung's chin and coerced him to look him in the eye.

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