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You're coming over and it makes me flustered.

"No lies detected, legit as fuck, no one can deny-"

"Just tell me directly," Changmin interrupts Kevin.

"Sunwoo likes Sammy that much," Kevin whispered.

"You think he's the one who has been giving those plastic flowers to Sammy?"

"I definitely have an idea on how to answer your question," Kevin spoke before he fished out his phone from his pocket. "I'll just call Sammy and we're going one step closer to the answer."

Kevin immediately dialed Sammy's number on his phone and called her. After a few rings, the girl picked up.

"Sammy girl, I have something to ask."

"What is it?"

"Can I borrow one of the plastic flowers that your secret admirer gave you? Pretty please?" Kevin pleaded.

"Uh, yeah, sure. Which kind of flower then?"

"The most recent one that you got."

"The last one that was given to me is a red rose and I never got something after that."

Kevin's eyes widened as he turned to Changmin.

"What do you mean?" Kevin asks the girl before turning the call on loudspeaker in order for Changmin to hear their conversation.

"I never received another plastic flower after this red rose that I got last Friday. I checked my mailbox for the whole weekend but I found nothing either. I find it weird since I receive plastic flowers once a day every day for over a year already."

Changmin couldn't believe what he heard but he just kept silent.

"That really is weird," Kevin agrees. "But still, I wanted to borrow that red rose."

"Is this one still a part of our business?" Sammy asked.

"It will always be, Sammy," Kevin tells her. "We'll tell you who it is when we find it out, okay?"

"Don't dig deep on it-"

"It's for the better," Kevin interrupted. "Have a nice sleep and don't forget the red rose by tomorrow! Good night!"

"Good night to you too, Kev."

Kevin immediately ended the call and faced Changmin.

"The giving of plastic flowers finally stopped," Kevin stated. "Or he just did some break."

"If he did a break, then that's definitely weird because he never did that since from the start," Changmin spoke.

"You got a point," Kevin agrees. "It simply says that he gave up."

"Tomorrow is the day," Changmin began. "I know that he recognizes all the plastic flowers that he did and he would definitely know it was his because he made those with his own hands. I assume that he will be shocked when he sees you holding one of the plastic flowers that he made."

"I don't give a single damn about it," Kevin playfully said with a shrug. "I would love to see his reaction while I play shit with him."

Monday finally came, but this isn't just a usual Monday because the week is full of different school events. No need to worry to go to class and such.

"I was expecting this year's school events to be boring, but I was wrong," Hyunjae said with a slight laugh.

"This is the best school year ever," Sangyeon spoke.

"Because it is your last year in school," Younghoon chimes in.

"May I remind you that same goes to you," Sangyeon said, preventing himself to spat on the younger.

"Let's hurry up because Eric's baseball game is about to start," Jacob tells them. "Sammy and Changmin are already waiting for us by the bleachers."

Meanwhile, Sunwoo and Haknyeon are walking through the school corridors, making their way to the school field.

Little did they know that Kevin is secretly watching them from afar, getting a perfect timing to show himself in front of the two boys.

"Can we grab some foods and drinks first before we watch Eric's, baseball game?" Haknyeon asks Sunwoo.

"You can just eat later after the game," Sunwoo tells him.

"But I'm hungry already!" Haknyeon whined while pouting his lips.

"Finally found you two," Kevin suddenly spoke behind Sunwoo and Haknyeon, making the two boys to flinch.

"I thought you're already with-" Haknyeon stopped speaking after he saw what Kevin is holding.

"With who?" Kevin innocently asked. "Ah, do you mean with Juyeon? I just walked up with him to the dance studio and I headed here after that to watch Eric's game."

Haknyeon laughed nervously. "What a nice flower you have," he said, preventing himself to stutter. "Where did you get that?"

"Oh, this one?" Kevin asked as he held up the plastic red rose that he was holding. "I found this one resting on the top of the trash bin last Friday afternoon near the locker area of the sophomores. It's pretty, so I decided to take it," he lied.

"On the top of the trash bin?" Sunwoo asked with a serious facial expression.

"Yeah," Kevin responded. "The one who put it there doesn't appreciate how beautiful this flower is. I can tell that it is even handmade. Loved the effort."

Sunwoo and Haknyeon both looked at each other with the same expression.

"Uh, shall we go to the field? Eric's game is starting in a few minutes," Kevin tells the two boys.


It has been over an hour already and I still can't believe what the hell I just saw and found out earlier.

Kevin was literally holding the last plastic flower that I gave to Sammy. When he said that he freaking found it on top of the trash bin, I feel like my chest have been stabbed for a million times.

So, she just threw every plastic flowers that I made for her? What a fucking waste.


I turned my head to Haknyeon.

"You'll get over it."

I laughed at Haknyeon's remark while shaking my head. I didn't care if the other boys would stare at me, including Sammy who is sitting beside Changmin.

"I want to start again, Hak," I softly spoke after laughing. "I wanted to bring back the old me who doesn't give a fuck about love."

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