CHAPTER 38: Insect Bite

Start from the beginning


He nodded.

I gave him his breakfast. He started eating and I sat beside him.

"Mommy do you know without you these few days I was so sad? I didn't even watch any movie."

"Oh no! No movies a whole week!"

He nodded with a sad face.

"No problem, now Mommy is back we'll watch sooo many many many many many many movies."

He giggled.

Then he saw something and became serious. "Mommy what is that?"

He said pointing at my neck.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

He slapped his forehead with one hand and took me near the mirror. I looked at my neck from the mirror.

Oh fuck!

Liam fucking Parker! He gave me a hickey!

What am I going to say to this little one now?

"Umm.. this."

"Yeah Mommy this. What is it?" he asked eyeing my neck.

"This is umm.."

What the hell is this?

"Yeah. It's an insect bite." I said with a smile.

"Insect bite?"

I nodded with the same smile.

He pulled my hand and pulled me down to his level and looked at my hickey closely. "Which insect did this?"

"Umm.. some unknown species."

"It must be so cruel." He said looking carefully at the spot.

I just nodded "It was."

Ryan went back to his seat. After sometime Liam came down wearing a t-shirt and sweats. I looked at him in confusion.

He doesn't have work today?

He took a seat beside Ryan. He looked at me with a smirk, I blushed. Ryan was lost in his deep thoughts when he saw Liam he poked on his arm. Liam looked at him "What?"

Ryan said "I have a complain."

Liam furrowed his eyebrows "Okay.. What complain?"

"You are not taking care of my Mommy properly."

Liam then looked at me, I shrugged. He looked back at Ryan with a questioning look. "And why do you think so?"

"You know some insect bit Mommy on the neck."

My eyes widened.

Shut up right now Ryan Parker!

Maria who was standing beside me started panicking "Oh my! Bella what insect was it? Was the insect poisonous? We need to go to the doctor now. Show it to me first."

She then peeped in my neck, I tried to hide it but I failed she pulled my arm pulling me closer, then she eyed at the spot properly. "This is an insect bite?" she asked in confusion.

I looked down biting my lip. "Ryan, this is an insect bite. Insect bite. But I don't think the insect was poisonous so your Mommy is so safe." She smirked looking at Liam.

Liam's eyes furrowed, he looked at the spot carefully then realised what it was. He cleared his throat.

"Dad you need to see through this matter."

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