I was tagged

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I was tagged by SlightlyObsessedWeeb here are the questions they had-

1). Do you care what people think of you?

No, not really. Kind of, but not really.

2). Middle name?


3). Favorite sport?

Martial arts or Swimming.

4). Someone you can't live without? 

Everyone who loves me. I like to feel special.

5). Best friend?

I can't choose, I love everyone (Oh god I am so cheesy XD)

6). Nickname?

Still own the name Stinkerbell. I was a gassy child.

7). Are you more cute or sexy?

If I even tried to be sexy I'd just look weird. I am not innocent, but I cannot be sexy. So cute.

8). Prefered pronouns?

Its in my username, I am beautifully non-binary. 

9). 3 pet peeves

Ok, when someone bumps my arm when I'm drawing, when my someone leaves my room and doesn't close the damn door, and people that bug me / my friends seemingly on purpose.

10). Do you believe in soulmates?

I don't know.

11). Are you emotonal?

Kind of. A family member dies? I am a sobbing mess, Someone yells at me? Tears. But for some reason if its not real (play, anime, movie, ect) I just get choked up.

12). Words you say often?

anything having to do with mha. 

I didn't do them all because I wasn't comfortable, but thanks for reading. Bye!

(Sorry I'm not tagging anyone, but I want to get to my other story. I'll tag my lovely people next time!)

My music girl (Izuku Midoryia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now