Chapter 29

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I checked my watch for the third time, trying to ignore Kaminari forcing a shirt onto Bakugo. 

"Any messages from Deku?" Uraraka asked and I shook my head, 

"He may have forgotten his phone. Pretty unlike him but he was in a rush to get out the door." I leaned against my gutair and checked the time for the third time in five minutes. 9:59. I was about to tell Mr Aizawa to delay the concert when Izuku finally ran up to us. I gave him a quick kiss and a smack on the back of the head for taking so long as we took our positions. Bakugo sent an explosion in the air and Jiro and I started strumming,

"Hey UA! Thanks for coming!" 

(Play the video) (Kaminari is in the dance squad and you take his place)

As we finished the song I looked out into the crowd and saw the biggest smile ever on Eri's face. I felt choked up and had to wipe my tears as we headed backstage. 

"(Y/n), you're getting emotional!" 

"Sorry Izuku! You should have just seen Eri in the crowd. She looks so happy!" I put my guitar down and checked the time, "Sorry to blast guys, I just gotta get to the beauty pageant." 

"Not a problem Yagi, you did a lot of hard work, and good luck!" Iida yelled and I ran to the tent where Kendo was also getting ready. 

"Hey (Y/n), you ready?" 

"You know it!" I carefully styled my hair and applied a light coating to makeup to my face. By the time I was done I was wearing a beautiful strapless lavender dress complete with black heels. "Ok, let's do this." I took a deep breath and waited my turn. I was scheduled to go last which somehow made it worse, and by the time it was my turn I was wracked with nerves. Nejire came back and gave me a thumbs up and I walked out onto the catwalk. Immediately I spotted Izuku, standing with Eri and Mirio as well as my dad in the back of the crowd. The music began to play and I began to sing, softly at first, but my voice gaining strength as I contunued. 

I finished and there was a moment of silence before everyone broke out into applause and I felt a smile grow on my face as everyone else joined for one last view of the contestants. 

"Be sure to cast your votes! Results will be announced at 5 pm!" Me and the other girls headed back and I changed into my band t-shit and shorts before going to meet my classmates. 

"That was amazing! You defiantly have my vote." 

"Why didn't you tell us you could sing? You could have preformed with Jiro!" 

"(Y/n) that was incredible..." Izuku said, a huge smile on his face which I returned. 

"Thank you." Eri ran over and was bouncing on her toes, 

"You're voice is so pretty! Can you sing more?" I laughed, 

"I'm sure I can." I heard a scoff from behind me and turned around, knowing who I would see there. 

"It was good for someone in 1-A I guess, you could win for sure if the audience like the sound of screeching cats." I covered Eri's ears, and looked Monama straight in the eye, 

"Monama... shut the fuck up." I released Eri and was granted with the sight of Monama's shocked face then Kendo doing her signature chop to the back of the neck, knocking him out. Dad came over, also a smile on his face and a bouquet in his hands, 

"How many times have I told you? Just like your mother." I took the flowers and wrapped my arms around him, "Go enjoy the rest of the festival." I took Izuku's hand and we went around the festival with Mirio and Eri until it was time for the results. 

"Alright, this is what you've all been waiting for! And the winner of this years annual beauty pageant is... Nejire Hado!" I clapped along with everyone else as she took the front of the stage and tried not to laugh as Monama looked on with a look of defeat. "We did have a close second however, and that is (Y/n) Yagi!" I could have fainted in that moment. My class exploded into cheers and Kendo gave me a big smile. Tears began to make their way down my cheeks and I was tackled by most of the girls as I got off stage, 

"I didn't win!" 

"They said it was a close second though! Next year I bet you'll be on top!" Mina gushed and I laughed. Thats when someone tapped me on the arm. I looked down and saw Principal Nezu, 

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble. I would just like to talk with you and your teachers." I nodded and followed him, sending a reassuring smile everyones way. We headed to the teachers lounge and waiting for me were dad and Mr Aizawa. "Sit down on the couch." I did so, placing my flowers next to me. The serious look everyone had made me nervous and my heart dropped to my stomach as Mr Aizawa spoke, 

"We need to have a talk about your quirk."

My music girl (Izuku Midoryia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now