Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! the alarm was going off like crazy but of course I couldn't hear it so it was up to Dadmight to gently wake me up. By tearing off the blankets.

"Gyaaahh cold! What the heck dad!" I lipread him saying- "Its your first day at U.A. You need to get up or I'm gonna steal your phone and change your lock screen again." And with that he walked out of the room taking the blanket with him. Yawning loudly I grabbed my hearing aids off the bedside table and put them on and turned on the power, the most annoying part about the backlash of my quirk is the fact that it left me with virtually no hearing capabilities like you would have to shout at Dadmight level in buff form right in my ear for me to even hear you at a whisper volume. Stretching again I put on the uniform which had too short of a skirt for my liking, dad had tried to get the staff to let me wear the boys one like at my old school but they refused it was nice of him to try though. I ran downstairs to find a granola bar and a note- Sorry I couldn't stay long they needed me at the school but I'll check in with you this afternoon. Don't Die! XoXo Dad   Dad had always been over protective of me since mom had died so... all my life. Even though it could be annoying sometimes he had good intentions and I appreciated it.

(Small time skip brought to you by All Might being a dad)

Running through the halls I skidded to a halt at a huge door that said 1-A and I was about to walk in when an angry blond porcupine (or Pomeranian IDK) shoved me to the ground yelling something about extras and I didn't think to wear leggings because it was warm out so I ended up flashing a supposedly empty hallway and ended up giving a short purple haired boy a nosebleed. Great first day your having (Y/N) I though indigently sitting up.

(Izuku's P.O.V.)

I came to the door of class 1-A to see a blond girl sitting and fuming by the door. "H-hey are you alright?" I asked reaching my hand out to her, she took it then said in a tone that reminded me of Kacchan's normal tone "Well an angry porcupine knocked me to the ground revealing my panties to a grape headed pervert." She looked at me for a second and at first I thought that she was going to snap at me to but instead her gaze softened, turned quizzical and she asked- "What's your name?" "I-Izuku Midoryia, and you?" "(Y/N) Yagi. But people just call me (N/N)." "Well nice to meet you (N/N)!" and she opened the door and gave me an after you kind of gesture so I walked in hoping that neither Kacchan or that blue haired boy were in the class.

Authors Note- Thank you for reading this shitty first chapter it is 11:23 at night and I am currently waiting for Hamilton to air on Disney Plus BTW this is my first fanfic and most will be based on stories in my head any constructive comments would be appreciated and please no hate. I will do my best to update at least once a week.

Love Author~chan  


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