Chapter 28

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Let me go Jiro I need to smack that explosive-" 

"Midoryia come collect your girlfriend." Jiro did not let go of my arm until we were far enough away from the dorms and she was just able to throw me into Izuku's grasp.

"You ok (Y/n)? Thought you were practicing with everyone." I scoffed, blowing a piece of hair out of my eyes, 

"I was. And then Bakugo kept changing up the notes and getting mad at me when I messed up. I am this close to smacking him upside the head." Izuku looked like he was about to say something before his gaze traveled to the bushes in front of the dorms. 

"Mirio? What are you doing here?" I looked over and saw the blonde haired 3rd year and felt a little embarrassed. The last time he saw me I was having a breakdown over Nighteye's death, not exactly the most ideal situation. Thats when I saw the silver-blue haired girl, 

"Eri?" Mirio popped out of the bushes, a grin on his face. 

"She's here to get a tour of UA before the festival! Midoryia, Yagi, you guys want to join us?" 

"Sure! It might keep (Y/n) from killing Kacchan at least for a while." I punched him in the arm. 

"Watch it or you're my next target." All my frustration faded however as he took my hand and we walked with Mirio and Eri around the school. "How's the dance lessons with Mina coming?" 

"Exhausting, I'm getting the hang of though." I nodded and figured this would be a good chance to get a sneak peak of what everyone else was doing. After a brief interaction with a few of the 3-A students we headed outside and I nearly ran into a massive dragon head.

"Hmmm? Is 1-A slacking off? Have you accepted defeat that 1-B's play will be much better than whatever concert you have-" Monama's words cut off as Awase knocked him out. 

"Sorry about him. Kendo's busy with the beauty pageant so he's gotten a little bit bolder." At the mention of the pageant I pulled out my phone, 

"Thats right! I need to confirm my dress with the coordinators before tonight." 

"(Y/n), you're in the band and the pageant?" Izuku asked and I nodded excitedly, 

"Yeah! I've been working on my talent after band practice. They said as long as I work on it, they were cool with me spending all my time with the band. Nejire's in it as well." Mirio nodded excitedly and we headed to where the pageant was being planned. I showed the coordinators a picture of my dress which they approved. And took a brief moment to glare at Nejire who was getting a little close to Izuku for my liking. "Anyways, I'm sure Hatsume is cooking up another one of her "babies" for the festival, why don't we go check it out and pray it doesn't explode." Izuku nodded and he headed over to the development studio. Sure enough there was a giant robot in the corner. 

"Hey Midoryia, have you come to see my new baby?" Mirio raised an eyebrow and mouthed- Baby? I just shrugged and snickered a little bit before hearing an explosion from the corner. "Nooo my baby!" It took all my willpower not to laugh as we hurried Eri out of the studio. Why am I not suprised that happened... 

"How about we get some lunch." Mirio suggested and I nodded, feeling pretty hungry myself. 

"I could eat." We headed to the cafeteria and I helped Eri get her tray to the table before we sat down. "So Eri, are you exited for the festival?" 

"Everyone is working so hard... I want to see how it goes." I smiled and thats when I noticed Midnight and the principal who seemed very focused on a block of cheese. 

"I am also exited. It's always a good thing to see the students working so hard on the event." Midnight nodded but I could see worry in her eyes, 

"With all the recent villain attacks the police commissioner wanted to cancel it. While we chose not to if the alarms go off, false or not we will shut down the event. That shouldn't happen though, and I wish you luck on 1-A's performance."  

"What are you guys doing?" Eri asked and Izuku smiled, 

"We'll be doing a big concert with people dancing. (Y/n) will be on the guitar and I'll be on the dance team." I groaned standing up, 

"I should get back to practice before Bakugo kicks my-" I quickly glanced at Eri, "Butt. See you guys around." I planted a kiss on Izuku's forehead and ran off, dumping my tray and running back to the dorms.

"There you are Airpods. You done playing house with Deku?" I rolled my eyes as I picked the guitar up. 

"Shut it All Might otaku. And quit changing the notes or I'm actually going to kick your ass." 

We're probably going to have a few more chapters after this. Thank you so much for sticking through all my inconsistent posting however I will be going on summer break in a few weeks and will hopefully do better. 
Thanks for reading! Author~chan. 

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