Chapter 26

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I woke up with a start in the hospital and looked around. A few strands of blonde hair falling in front of my face. The doctor walked in and smiled but I could see something hidden behind his eyes. "Ah good you're awake." "How long was I out for?" "Only a few hours, now theres something I want to talk to you about." My heart pounded in my chest and I focused myself by fidgeting with my hospital dress. "Ok what is it?" I mumbled and he sighed, "So it says in your medical records that at the age of nine you had a quirk malfunction." I nodded, not sure where he was going with this. "Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but since you're training to be a hero your body has weakened in the past several months." 
"Your body had weakened"
Your weak
Everyone in elementary school was right
I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat and managed to whisper, "But what does this mean?" The doctor sighed and looked at me, "You have a form of Quirk Corrosion Disease known as an unstable quirk. It's extremely rare but generally happens after a quirk malfunction, because your body had weakened your quirk has become too powerful and for your body and has begun to eat away at you." A roar began to fill my ears and I could hardly hear his next sentence. "I'll send a message to your teachers and father but I believe it would be best if you transferred to the General education course." I did not want to be in this room any more and took off down the hallway, crashing into someone. "(Y/n)!" Izuku wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face into his chest I can't tell him, he'll just think I'm weak. "Hey babe. How are you?" "Better now that I know you're ok. We're headed to see Nighteye." I raised an eyebrow, "What happened to him?" "Gut injury, he's probably not going to make it." Mr Aizawa said grimly and I nodded, taking Izuku's hand tightly. We headed downstairs and I saw another comforting face. "Dad!" I wrapped him in a hug which he returned, "Shouldn't you be resting kid?" He asked and I gave a half-hearted smirk. I can't worry him. "Probably but you know I can't sit still." He ruffled my hair, "True." We walked into the room and I could see Nighteye with countless machines sticking out of him. "All Might, you're finally seeing me on my deathbed." He teased, his voice coming out weak. "Well how else could I thank you for taking care of my daughter? For ten years and for the past few months." Dad said and I could see him tearing up, I had seen or caught him crying several times but it always startled me. "Sir!" I turned around and saw Mirio in the doorway, "You can't die got it? You still have so much to teach me!" Nighteye lifted his hand and I could see as he used his quirk one last time. "You're going to make a great hero one day?" Tears began to make their way down my face and I attempted to wipe them away. "(Y/n)." I looked up, "No matter what the future holds for you I promise, everything will be ok." Does he know? "I wish you could be there to see it." I choked out, the tears coming freely. He gave us a weak grin, "Smile everyone. A world without joy and laughter is not one worth living in." As the heart monitor went out I sunk to the ground, sobbing as the man who was like a second father to me for most of my life died.

I got to leave the hospital with everyone else and stayed quiet the whole way back to the dorms. When we got back everyone swarmed us, "We saw the news is everyone ok?!" "Why didn't you tell us what was going on?" "I'll go brew some lavender tea." Iida slid in front of us, "Everyone remember that they all just got back please try not to pry!" "Iida." I said, "Its fine." My eyes felt dry from crying and I was sure I looked like crap but somehow everyone being over indulgent made me feel better. "In that case... I am so glad you all are safe, why didn't you feel like you could talk to us!?" Jiro came up to me and put one hand on my shoulder, "We heard about Nighteye, are you sure your ok (Y/n)?" I chewed my bottom lip for a moment then looked up, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for asking." Izuku managed to get Sato to stop force-feeding him cake and just give him a slice and he came over to me, "Want a bite?" I nodded and took the fork, "Thanks." Nighteye's last words came to me and I took a chunk of frosting, plopping it on his nose. "Hey!" I laughed and he laughed as well. You can train. You don't have to stop being a hero, this is the life you chose, make everyone proud.

I nearly cried writing this chapter. Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a good rest of the day and I'll see you next time.

My music girl (Izuku Midoryia x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum