Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I stretched and yawned, waiting for the training camp bus to arrive. "Not a morning person (Y/n)?" I just looked at Mina and she got the hint, Uraraka was talking to Deku and she suddenly turned red and started chanting, Mina joined in and I just watched amused. "Alright get on the bus, were headed out." Mr Aizawa said and as we filed on I heard a voice, "I heard that there are actually people from class 1-A who failed?" I looked over and saw Monama, the prideful jerk of 1-B. "I guess that the great 1-A isn't so great anymore-" Kendo smacked him on the back of the neck and dragged him into the bus and we finished walking onto the bus and I ended up in the back with a whole big seat to myself, so I laid down and took a nap. Sato woke me up about an hour later and I came out of the bus and knew immediately that this was not the camp. Suddenly Pixie Bob and Mandelay came out of seemingly nowhere and started there usual chant, "Lock on with those sparkling gazes!" "Coming out of nowhere!" "Cute and catlike!" "Wild Wild Pussycats!" Of course Deku went into fanboy mode, "I know you! The Wild Wild Pussycats have been doing mountain rescues as a team for over 12 yea-" He got a paw to the face from Pixie Bob for that comment. "I'm 18 at heart!" Someone is sensitive about their age. Thats when Mandelay noticed me, "Oh my god (Y/n) its been so long! Hows your dad?" "Fine." Aizawa cleared his throat to get our attention and began talking. "Alright, the training camp is on the other side of the woods, right there." He pointed to a place probably 20 miles away. "The pussycats own all land from here to there, so you can use your quirks as you need." He handed me my I-pod which he probably fished from my duffel bag. Kirishima got a nervous look, "We should probably head back to the bus." The Pussycats looked at each other and Pixie Bob spoke, "You have 3 hours and remember, kitties who don't make it back in time don't get lunch!" "Back to the bus!" However as most of the class ran back towards the bus the ground collapsed beneath us and we fell into the forest below. Damn Pixie Bob and her quirk! I realized my landing had been softened by something and thought I had landed on someone but realized that Deku had caught me. "You ok (N/n)?" I blushed, "Y-yeah can you put me down now?" "Oh, sorry!" I felt my feet hit the ground and glared at Mina as she wiggled her eyebrows at me. (Mina, the number 1 shipper in class 1-A) Mineta ran into the woods yelling about having to go to the bathroom, but a dirt monster came out of nowhere and I'm positive he peed himself. I put in my earbuds and activated my quirk. Bakugo took care of this one, but there were many others and I helped Deku in a well timed double team attack. But of course once we took care of this batch there were even more. Were going to be here for a while.

We all staggered out of the forest defiantly more then 3 hours later, I was supporting poor Uraraka who ended up puking her guts out about an hour ago, and my ears were bleeding. "Are you serious? Three hours?" "Well thats how long it would have taken us!" Pixie Bob suddenly got really exited and started fussing over Bakugo, Deku, Todoroki, and Iida. "I call these four! I'm going to groom them into perfect heros!" Aizawa turned to Mandelay. "Is she always like this?" "She's at the right age to be finding a mate. So that means she's a little bit crazier than normal." "Speaking of age-" Deku got a paw to the face again as Pixie Bob growled something I couldn't understand. "I was just wondering who's kid that was." "Oh, thats my cousins kid, Kota. Kota come say hi to everyone, you'll be spending the next week with them." "Hi I'm Izuku Midoryia from the hero-" Deku was cut off as Kota punched him, right in the no-no square. Iida ran to support his friend, "You fiend of a child! An attack to the scrotum is truly unforgivable, come and apologize!" The kid scoffed, "I don't want to hang around with a bunch of wannabe heroes." I stared after him confused, I have always admired hero's. And so have many of our classmates, so what made this kid hate them so much?

After cleaning up and having dinner the we headed to our separate hot springs where there was an eventful five minutes after I nearly sat on Tooru. We chatted for a while when I suddenly heard Mineta's voice from the other side of the wall. "Walls are meant to be scaled!" I lowered myself under the water, but when he got to the top I remembered that Kota was up there and relaxed as he said- "Before you consider becoming a hero, maybe try becoming a decent human being first." And knocked him off the wall. "Thanks Kota!" When Kota turned around he turned red and fell. "Is he ok!?" I called, "Yeah I got him!" Deku's voice responded. "I'm going to go check on him." I got out of the tub, got dressed and went to the main lodge. When I got there Mandelay was telling Deku why Kota hated heroes, she nodded to me when I walked in. "His parents were actually killed by the villain who killed your mother." I looked at the floor and mumbled, "Dad once told me that he regretted letting the villain go, but if there was even a chance she was still alive he was ready to take it." Mandelay nodded, "You two should go to bed. Training starts early tomorrow. I nodded and walked out, "Night Deku." "Night (N/n)" 

Holy crap that was a long chapter. Anyways, I'll see you all later. 

Bye! Author~chan.

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