Chapter 10

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3rd person P.O.V.

(y/n) didn't really watch the next two fights, her mind was focused on other things for the first one and she was getting ready for her battle against Todoroki for the second. Soon she was out on the pitch, plugging in her earphones. "(Y/n) Yagi vs Shoto Todoroki!, Start!" she activated her quirk and dodged as Todoroki sent a wall of ice her way, giving it a well timed kick to shatter it. Trying to get in close she dodged several more ice walls but noticed something was happening, her hearing was beginning to falter. Crap my hearing aids! I shouldn't have forgot extra batteries. All of a sudden the lightning that usually sparked around her sparked out. "Wait, What happened!? Has Yagi stopped using her quirk!?" Mic shouted. All Might however was gripping his pants and sitting tensely in the teacher booth, he knew what was going on. thats when a wall of ice hit her and knocked out of the ring and unconscious. "Yagi is unconscious, Todoroki is the winner of this this match, and without using his flames!" She was carried off to the infirmary and All Might was out of his seat and heading there to go check on her.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I woke up in the infirmary, my injuries bandages. I felt so stupid, who forgot to bring hearing aid batteries on the day when they could need them the most!? the low battery light had been blinking and I didn't even think to ask if dad had any. Speaking of dad the door burst open making recovery girl jump a bit. They exchanged a few words I didn't understand and he sat in the stool beside my bed, (if you see "this"  they are speaking in sign language.) "How are you feeling?" "Like an idiot. I saw the light blinking and didn't even see if you had spare batteries."  "Don't beat yourself  up, you did fantastic in the tournament. Besides I didn't have any either." The door swung open again and I don't think I've ever seen dad go into muscle form so fast. It was Uraraka, and Deku, Uraraka was holding something in her hand. They exchanged a few words with dad and Uraraka handed me a few small batteries, they were the same kind that I used. "Thank you." I took off my hearing aids and change the batteries. "Where did you find these?" "Ah Iida had some. We assumed that your aids had run out of batteries so he gave us these. Apparently he keeps them on him, I don't know why." "Well I should thank him, where is he?" It was Deku who answered, "He had a family emergency, his brother was attacked by a villain." "Come on, Deku~kun, (n/n) we should go watch the next match." I got out of the bed and followed them both to the stands.

"And for the last match! Shoto Todoroki vs Katsuki Bakugo!" "Who do you think is going to win?" "I'm not sure, both are strong fighters." At first Todoroki tried to encase him in ice but Bakugo broke out of that quickly. I watched, Why isn't Todoroki using his fire? If he did, he would win easily. Soon I saw Todoroki fire up his left side (Get it? Get it?! Ima go jump into a lake now.) But as Bakugo came in he stopped and was hit with the move he called howitzer impact. I flinched at the explosion but it was over, Todoroki was unconscious and Bakugo was pissed about something. Again. I couldn't hear what he was yelling but I assume that it had to do with that fact that Todoroki didn't use his left side. Midnight had to use her quirk on him and I got up to head down to the awards ceremony. 

As we rose up on the podium I just couldn't stop staring at Bakugo, they literaly had to tie him up. And I was glad because he had been yelling since he woke up, and I did not want to end up as the next person on the ass end of his howitzer impact. "And to present the awards we have the number one hero himself, All Might!" Dad came down from the sky, and landed infront of us all to a massive applause. "Tied for first place we have Fumikage Tokoyami and (Y/n) Yagi!" He walke up to us with 2 bronze medals and said something to Tokoyami, then turned to me. "Yagi, through out this tournament you have constantly showed skill, strength, and quick thinking. You still have so far to go but I can tell in the future you will be an incredible hero." He put the medal on me and leaned in for a hug, then quiet enough for no one but me to hear he said- "I am so proud of you kiddo." He moved on to Todoroki and then Bakugo. I just watched as Dad tried and failed to put the medal around bakugo and just ended up putting it in his mouth. "Everyone, lets say it together, 3, 2, 1-" "PLUS ULTRA!" "GREAT WORK!" "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SAY PLUS ULTRA!" "Well, everyone did do a good job..." I think that was the first time I ever saw dad get booed at.

Hello everyone I am so sorry for not posting, school has started up again and I don't like it. I hope I can get back on track and you wont have to wait another 2 weeks for the next actual chapter. 

Bye! Author~chan

My music girl (Izuku Midoryia x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant