Chapter 24

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Your spacing out again." I blinked and realized Izuku's hand was on my arm. "Oh sorry." I continued working on the homework we were doing together but he closed my textbook gently, "Are you ok? You've been acting strange since yesterday." I shrugged, "I guess I can't stop thinking about that young girl, Eri. She seems so young and I don't want to think about what Overhaul might be doing to her." Izuku ran his fingers through his hair then stood up, "Alright then, How about we go out then? We haven't really been on an official date yet and it might take your mind off things." I smiled then stood up with him, "That sounds nice, lets get permission to go off campus." I cleared up the work space and we headed out to the trains after getting permission to leave for a few hours. "So what do you want to do?" I asked and Izuku shrugged, a slight smile on his face, "I don't know but it's nice to be out of the dorms." I thought for a second then pulled us out at a specific spot and we walked down to a park. I took us to the swings and sat down in one, "Dad would take me here after school when I was little if the weather was nice. He would always push me on the swings and I would sometimes demand to push him as well even though he's like 7 feet tall." I suddenly felt myself get pulled back and then next thing I knew Izuku was the one pushing me. "Its my turn to push you." I laughed and let him swing me back and forth for a while letting the cool air clear my mind. After a while of chasing each other around on the mostly empty playground and hanging out on the swings a lot we went to the food court to get something to eat. As the sun was setting I began to shiver and felt Izuku put his jacket over my shoulders. I smiled and leaned into his shoulder, "Thank you." "For what?" "For taking me out and providing a distraction." He blushed, "W-well I love you." I planted a kiss on his cheek making his face go completely red. "I love you too Izu."  

(I am going to have to condense and paraphrase the meeting because I do not feel like writing that much but I will include the main points.) 

A few days later all the work study students including me, Izuku, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Tsu were all headed in the same direction. We all headed into Nighteye's agency and I could see heroes from all around the area including Nighteye, Rocklock, and several others. Mr Aizawa was also there I assume because of me and my classmates. The big 3 were also there which wasn't as much of a surprise. We headed into the meeting room and I sat between Mirio and Izuku, holding Izuku's hand under the table. Nighteye sat at the head of the table and Bubble Girl spoke first, "So for the past two weeks Nighteye's agency has been conducting independent investigation on a group known as the Shie Hassaikai which is an underground group that has been suspected of selling illegal drugs several times." "This is why we called in a hero who is used to dealing with such things." Nighteye added and Fatgum stood up, "I squashed a lot of people like that back in the day. During Red Riot's fight Tamaki was shot with a drug that destroys quirks." Mirio looked over at his friend concerned, "Are you gonna bo ok!?" "Yeah it wore off after a good nights rest." Fatgum brought the conversation back around, "One bounced off Kirishima here and we were able to analize it. Inside wwas human blood and cells." The image of Eri's bandaged arms and legs surfaced in my mind and I gagged. "The young leader Kai Chisaki's quirk and villain name is Overhaul. The ability to both dismantle and restore." Nighteye said and I felt my heart beat wildly. "Chisaki has a daughter, one with no sort of birth record. When my three interns encountered her she was covered in an excessive amount of bandages." No no no. This can't be happening. "Are you saying that Chisaki had been turning his own daughters body into these bullets and selling them on the black market?" I shouldn't have let her go! Tears spilled down my cheeks as I covered my mouth with my hand trying not to gag again at the image of what this man was doing. "It is unclear whether or not he is actually selling them yet and that may have just been a test drug. If so then the final product could easily remove someone's quirk completly." Rocklock sat back, "So if your kids had rescued the girl in the first place then all of our probems would be solved?" All the peace I had felt a few days ago was washing away quickly and I could barely regester anyones words. "(Y/n) your hyperventilating." "Yagi do you need a minute?" I removed my hand from my mouth but just burst into tears. I was removed from the room and let all my emotions out. You could have run! No smart villain would pursue a couple of kids without making a plan! I sat out the rest of the meeting and let Izuku hold onto me when he came out. I just leaned against him letting him stroke my hair as we all sat there in silence. "You shouldn't blame yourself." I heard Aizawa's voice and looked up. "Nighteye had a lot of good things to say about you since Rocklock seemed to doubt your ability." I nodded and sat up, wiping the last few tears from my face. ""Now I was planning on talking about ending your work studies today, but Midoryia you still haven't quite earned my trust and I'm sure you will find some way to take action yourself. So thats  why I'll be keeping an eye on you, got that problem child?" Izuku nodded and Aizawa turned back to me, "Think you're up for this Yagi?" I nodded and looked up from the table, "My father once saved over a hundred people in just over 10 minutes, if I can save a single girl even if I help in the smallest way then it will mean I'm already on the way to being as great a hero as he was." For the first time since the meeting started I smiled, "I promise this time I won't let go!" 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm probably going to do the raid, cultural festival, and then probably end the book. Thank you all so much for sticking with me even though I can't update as consistently. See you later!

My music girl (Izuku Midoryia x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora