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Apparently Paul was sleeping over so once we got home I ran to my room and changed into comfier clothes. While I changed I decided that I'd call Clara to ask if she could sleep over as well.

"Cmon pick up pick up." I thought out loud with my phone pressed up against my ear. After a few more rings she finally answered.

"Hellooooo." she greeted in a sing-song voice.

"Hey C, wanna sleep over?"

"Like today? Like right now?"

I lightly chuckled, "yes right now... or later whatever works."

"Okay how about in like an hour maybe? Because I'm with Colin right now, we're walking around the dock."

They're walking the dock in this weather? Strange.

"Okay sounds good! Just message me when you're on your way."

"K will do, bye."

"See ya." I hung up and tossed the phone on my bed.

Knock knock

I walk over to open the door to find Paul leaning against the door frame.
I open the door wider and gesture for him to come in; he plops down on the bed and sighs dramatically. "Why so dramatic?" I giggle making my way over to lay next to him.

"Mm dont know." he shrugs. "Jus' my natural state I guess." he smiles at me.

"Hmm, no surprise there." I say burying my face into his arm.

He scoffed pretending to be offended, "Are you implying I'm dramatic?! Because I was jus' jokin'."

"Yes, yes I AM. and you're not helping yourself hon." I replied with a smug smile.

"I'm not dramatic." he simply stated.

"You're more dramatic than my aunt." I shoot back.

He stays quiet for a moment before bursting out into laughter which is followed by a small laugh that escaped my lips.

"Okay okay maybe a little.... So I was thinking."


"What if we add someone new to the band?" He says.

"Shouldn't you be telling this to John?" I ask playing with the necklace around my neck.

"Well... Yes, but I wanted to know what you thought about it first. You know that bloke George Harrison? Yea I was thinking about him, I was watching him play guitar when I went over to his place the other day. He's quite good, might be a bit young but I reckon it'd be alright."

George, George, George.
That name sounded awfully familiar, I tried to think of which boy he might be.

"It wouldn't happen to be that Lad with the bushy eyebrows right and very good facial bone structure?"

"That's exactly the one!" Laughed Paul.

"Yea 've had him in one of my classes, Witty guy."  I smile at the sudden memory that came back to me. It was the one where George had gotten in trouble for talking during a lesson and the teacher had told him to stop talking because it was a bad habit however he continued on with a story about one of his siblings. That really ticked the teacher off and he told George that if he didnt learn to keep his mouth shut he would end up nowhere in life because no one wants a blabber mouth, George had fired back with the sentence, "Right, wouldn't want to end up like you then right?"

After that he got sent to the headmasters office, he had gotten switched into a different class and i've barely seen him since.

"Well then, do you think John would take up the suggestion?" He asks.

Nobody told me ~ Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now