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 January  9, 1958 

"Jesus kill me now" 

"Clara shut up and lets go." 

Our holiday was now over, which meant we had to go back to school, Which Clara did not like one bit. Its Monday morning and Clara and I are walking to school because John wouldn't get up to take us and Claras mom was already at work. So now we are walking in the freezing cold trying to pass time by making stupid jokes although clar groans every five minutes on how she hates it here. 


I looked down at my phone in my hand. 

new message from 'Paul ❤️' 

Paul❤️:  Hey there :) 

me : helloooooo 

Paul❤️: what are you doing? 

me: oh yknow freezing my ass off walking to school while hearing Clara complain every 2 seconds

Paul ❤️: that's fun... 

Me: Very. 

Paul❤️: did you just roll your eyes as you sent that? 

me: no.... 

me: how did you know? 

Paul❤️: I always know;) 

Paul❤️: anyways I won't be at school at school today for my dentist appointment :( 


Me: it takes all day to go to the dentist?!

Paul❤️: well no, but I don't really want to go to school

Me:  -_- 

Paul❤️: IM SORRYYYYY but I will stop by you house later

Me: ...

Paul❤️: and I will bring you food

Me: well then you're welcome at my house later 

Paul ❤️: I figured haha 



Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

me: that's going to be me all day because you aren't coming 

Paul❤️: HAHA spongebob is a mood but at least you have Clara 

Me: yea yea I guess. I have to go now but ill talk to you later byeeee💞

Paul❤️: Bye :((((((((((( ❤️❤️❤️

Clara and I had finally made it to school after what felt like forever. I never thought I would be so happy to walk in through the front doors but it was warm inside and I've never felt better. Clara and I continued walking past people to get to our lockers. 

"Hey you wanna skip class?" Clara asks.

I simply laugh in response,"No not today." 

"ughhhhh you're no fun."

"I'm sorry I'm not in the mood to get in trouble." 

"fine fine fine." she said putting her bag in her locker. "Hey have you talked to Michael?" 

"Um no why?" 

"Because he's looking over here as if he's never talked to us before and he obviously wants to say something." she replies directing her attention to where Michael was standing with a group of friends. She was right, he turned his head away as if he hadn't been looking when I caught him. 

"Thats weird." I replied. 

Now that I thought of it I hadn't talked to him. He had become distant, the last time we texted was during New Years, I messaged him happy New Years and he simply replied with thanks you too. Usually he would've kept the conversation going so that was a bit strange but as usual I didn't notice. It made me a little bit sad that I didn't notice his change in attitude earlier even if it wasn't in person it was evident we weren't talking as much as we use to. 

The first bell rang interrupting my thoughts. "lets get to class." said Clara. I nodded and followed behind her. When we arrived to our maths class we took our seats and I already could tell this was going to be a long day and I couldn't wait to get home. 

"good morning class." greeted Mr. Scott. Even though I ABSOLUTELY hated math I did love Mr. Scott. He was an old man in his late 50s, usually the older teachers were mean but Mr.Scott was really nice and funn, it also helped that he was actually good at teaching math and helping us understand unlike some of my past teachers. However today I was not in the mood to hear his corny grandpa jokes. My mind went to how I didnt realize Michaels sudden distancing, then my mind went to Paul per usual. At the midst of all my thoughts I remembered tomorrow was my audition for Romeo and Juliet, it had totally skipped my mind! I was completely screwed, I still had like half of the pamphlet to practice for the audition. Now I had one more thing to worry about , this is day is not going great at all. 

A/N: Helloooo I know this is super  short its mainly just like a filler chapter but let me know if you like it also it'd help out if you voted too :) 

Nobody told me ~ Paul McCartney Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum