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I arrived at Michaels front door and just let myself in. At this point I didn't need to knock anymore I knew him and his family well enough.

I heard buddy holly coming from upstairs so I followed the sound, I walked into Michaels room and there he was putting his comb through his greasy hair while he swayed in the mirror singing along to the words. I smiled and went up behind him.

"Hey there." I whispered in his ear.

He looked at me through the mirror before turning to face me. Instead of saying hi back he grabbed my hands and started spinning me around dancing with him to the music. I started giggling at his silliness he even tripped a bit over himself now and then , he couldn't even dance for the life of him!
Him and I laughed as the song came to end, we fell down on his bed breathing heavily gasping for air.

"Hey there Luc." He said, his breath smelled like alcohol.

"Hi Mike, No one else is home I suppose."

"Nope we're all alone for today." He said smirking wiggling his eyebrows. "You know what that means." He put his hand on my waist and pulled me closer, our faces were so close I could kiss him. But I didn't.

"Oh stop it." I giggled sitting up.

"If you say so lovely lass, you know it was only a joke."

"I know."  I replied nervously.

He sat up opening his drawer and taking out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter, he took a long drag and sighed.

"Michael are you ok?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You've been drinking." I said.

"Just a couple of drinks from my fathers liquor cabinet, nothing to worry about." He shrugged.

This wasn't like him, he was usually the optimistic one, the "come on let's go out and have the best time of our lives!" Type of guy. I tried to think of all the things that could be wrong, his life at home wasn't bad his parents loved him he got along well with his siblings. Everyone loved him at school he was kind and considerate. That's when I remembered,
"Is today-"

He nodded before I had a chance to finish my sentence, not that I needed to say anything further. He knew what I was asking. I can't believe I didn't remember.

A little story on Michael, he has two brothers and one sister. The order is his oldest brother Tommy, then him, next comes his sister Jenny and then his youngest brother Sammy or Sam.

A year ago his oldest brother was off with a few friends for a fun weekend in Brighton. I guess it was really late at night, he was the only one that was sober since he'd be driving. It so happened that in the other car was a really drunk man who didn't stop at the intersection and instead kept driving hitting Tommy's car directly impacting his side. Tommy and one of his friends passed away in the accident so did the drunk man who caused the whole thing.

Michael and Tom where very close, they did everything together, after the accident happened Michael didn't come out of his house for like two weeks, he cried day and night, it was a horrible sight.

I can't believe it's been a year already. I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around him. "I'm sorry." I whispered, I laid my head on his shoulder.

"It's alright... I don't really feel like going out anymore I'm sorry."

"I understand Mike. It's fine, do you want me to stay with you?" I let go of him.

He nodded in response, that's when I noticed the tear slip out of his eye down his cheek.

I wiped it away with my finger. "Please don't cry Mikey I hate seeing you cry."

"What else am I suppose to do?" He put his head in his hands. That's when he started sobbing I rubbed his back in comfort.

"Here lay down." He obliged and laid on his side.
"I'll be back."

I went downstairs into his kitchen preparing him a cup of tea. I pulled out my phone to text John telling him I'd probably be here all day. That's when I saw a notification from Instagram.

Paulmccartney tagged you in a post

I quirked my eyebrow and unlocked my phone.

Liked by Johnlennon and 201 others

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Liked by Johnlennon and 201 others

Paulmccartney  fun fact: @lucylennon makes great company for breakfast.

View comments
Johnlennon gross

Lucylennon oh that picture is just amazing....

Lucylennon @johnlennon that's not very nice!

Paulmccartney @lucylennon I know it is 🥰

Georgeharrison get some macca!

Paulmccartney @georgeharrison 😉

Lucylennon @paulmccartney @georgeharrison NO!

Clara.riggan Lucy is a cutie 🤪

Paulmccartney @clara.riggan facts

Johnlennon Tryna get with my sister now then?

Paulmccartney @johnlennon never! 🤭

All this talk in the comment section of Pauls post almost made me forget I had to bring Michael his tea. I did blush while having this whole conversation if that's what you want to call it. Also who is George Harrison?

I sighed and picked up the mildly hot cup and walked upstairs.

Mike was on his side scrolling through something on his phone, he was no longer crying but you could see the dry tears on his face.

"Here you go." I set the cup on his night stand.

"Thanks." He sat up and took a sip. "You can go now Luc, sorry I've kinda ruined the day for us."

"Hey Not at all! I'm staying here with you ok?"

He nodded shyly in response.

The rest of the day was spent with Michael and I goofing around and watching movies. I think it helped him really get his mind cleared which made me happy.

By the time I left his house it was around 9,
I walked in the cold Liverpudlian air with my hands in my coat pockets. When I got home I checked through the window to make sure Mimi wasn't in the living room, which she wasn't. I unlocked the door carefully and quietly opened the door.

"Well look who decided to arrive!" Exclaimed John walking out from the kitchen.

"Shhh keep your voice down!"

"Don't worry Mimi is sleeping and you know when she sleeps she SLEEPS." I rolled my eyes in response. "Where have you been all day by the way? Out with Paul?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Um no." I walked upstairs before turning back. "I was at Michaels."

Nobody told me ~ Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now