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"Hi!" I greet as I open the door.

"Hello beautiful." He smiles stepping inside shutting the door behind him, "Happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas." I blush a little everytime he calls me that or anything really. I reach up to give him a small peck on the lips, "These are beautiful flowers Paul." I tell him.

"They're for you and so is this." He pulls out a small wrapped box out of his pocket. "Open it."

I gently take the box from him, I was about to unwrap it when John came down. "Well if it isn't little precious Paulie." He mimics in his 'girl voice'

"Hey John happy Christmas." Paul laughs.

"Yea yea where's my present then?!"

"I'm in your band aren't I?"

John just rolls his eyes in response. "I almost forgot that's the best gift I could've asked for." He says sarcastically.

"Exxxxactly." Smirks paul.

"You staying for dinner?"

"Nope sorry mate we're heading to my aunties house soon which means I should probably get goin'." Responded Paul.

"Right then I'll see you later bye!" John says heading into the kitchen where Mimi is preparing dinner.

"John is such a- child."

"I know."

"Wait I'll be right back!" I leave the wrapped box and flowers on the couch and run up the stairs to retrieve Paul's present. I came back down with a bag to find him sitting on the couch texting someone, "here you go." I hand him the bag and sit next to him.

"Thanks love, But I told you not to get me anything."

"I knew you'd get me something so what kind of person would I be to not get you anything huh?" I give him a cheeky smile.  "Open it."

He sets the bag on his side and opens it, his face lights up as he takes out a nice sweater I picked out for him last week. I saw it at the front of a shop and I just knew he would love it. "Thanks luc! I love it!" "Theres another gift in there." I say.

He furrows his eyebrows as he opens the bag back up again. He reaches his hand inside, moving it around before grabbing a box. He pulls it out and observes it for a moment before pulling the top off. "Lucy this is so great I love this!" He pulls out the watch from the box and brings it up to his face inspecting it more. He looks like a five year old that just got a new train set.

"I saw it and I thought you would like it." I grin.

"Like it? I love it!" He smiles at me. "Put it on me?"

I take the watch from his hand and unclip it. I wrap the silver watch around his right wrist making sure it's on perfectly. "Thank you."

"Of course."

"Now open yours."

I grab the box next to me and start to unwrap it. It is also a black box, as soon as I open it my eyes go wide and a huge smile plasters itself on my face. "Paul this is so gorgeous! But I can't accept this! I mean it was probably expensive and-"

He just laughs in the middle of my small ramble. "Lucy it's my gift to you, it's yours now."

"But Paul-"

"No buts."

"I- thank you." I smile gently at him. "Can you put it on me?"

He nods and motions for me to turn around. He takes the necklace from me and I feel as his hand brushes against the back of my neck to move my hair out of the way. A speaks your a few seconds later, "There."

I stand up with Paul following behind me and slam over to the mirror by the front door. I stare at my reflection, I focus on the simple yet beautiful necklace that is now tied around my neck. "I love it." I say.

"I- you look beautiful." Paul tells me.

I smile at him through the mirror before I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his lips. He quickly responds and we stand there for a few seconds before he pulls away. "I have to get going now."

I simply nod and let go of him. I walk over opening the front door. He steps outside with his bag that I gave him in hand. "Happy Christmas Paulie."

"Happy Christmas Lucy." He smiles before making his way down the pavement. He turns back one more time giving me a wave and a wink before disappearing down the street.

This was absolutely perfect

A/N: the picture above is the necklace Paul gave Lucy!

Nobody told me ~ Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now