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I hate Mondays. That's all I have to say.

They're absolutely dreadful, I mean you have to wake up and go to school after having a nice weekend(for the most part)! It's the mark of the beginning of five long boring days. Six hours of pure hell that you could only get by with a little help from friends. Other then that it's just misery at its finest.

I groaned as I made my way to Johns car, he was already inside warming it up, it was when I opened the car that I realized he had fallen asleep while waiting.


"Huh? Oh fuck I fell asleep sorry." He yawned.

"So why are you so tired?" I asked buckling my belt.

"I hung with some friends after you fell asleep." He yawned again, "Got back pretty late, figured Since Mimi wasn't here that I could go out and get totally shitfaced and not worry about her scolding me when I got back."

I tried not to giggle, "That was probably not your best choice you look horrid!"

"Yea I know I know, shut up." He started driving off.

"Are you going to the college?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"No that's next month, I'm probably just goin' to come back home and sleep." He shrugged. "You look like shite." John Informed me.

"Oh fuck off." I rolled my eyes and huffed. John started laughing quite amused. "Shut up." I told him.

"Shut up." He mimicked me.


"Stop!" He tried to copy my voice which failed terribly.

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

I gave up and looked out the window when he started slightly laughing again.

We soon pulled up next to Pauls house, where he came running outside with a piece of toast sticking out of his mouth and his bad hanging over his shoulder.

"Morning." He tried saying as he got in.

"Hey Paul." John said While I yawned for the third time.

"How's yer guys' mornin' goin?" He asked. He pursed his lips and leaned forward to the front analyzing John and I. "You two don't look to good." He sat back down in his seat.

John and I both looked at each other, "shut up." We both said at the same time.


John dropped us off at school which I protested against but he wasn't having any of it.

"I love watching you throw a fit on Mondays." Laughed Paul swinging his arm around me.

"Come off it." I groaned pushing him away.

"Awe luc I'm sorry, if it makes you feel any better you're still a beautiful like always."

I cracked a light smile at his kind words.

"Also I'm sorry I never properly said bye to you yesterday." He told me.


"Can you hang out later?"

"Maybe, if you help me practice my lines." I walked closer to him.

"Lines? For what?"

"Well I wanted to try out for the new play for the school." I said a little shyly, I pulled my sleeves downward so I could hide my hands inside.

Nobody told me ~ Paul McCartney Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon